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10 Reasons Why You Need To Do the Eden Mill Gin Tour in St Andrews

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at St Andrews chapter.

Fun fact: apparently, gin-lovers are psychopaths, so if you don’t have a little crazy in you, it’s probably best to stop reading this article now. For the crazy gin lovers like myself, this article gives you all of the reasons for taking an afternoon out to do the Eden Mill Gin Tour. Drinking establishments are pretty repetitive if you’re a student at the University of St Andrews. After going to the gin tour, I can confidently say that the Eden Mill Gin Tour is a refreshing remedy to your usual pint at The Central. 

1 . Gin Is Trendy Right Now

There are too many gin companies in Scotland to count, all with their respective stake in the long-standing tradition of gin making — Eden Mill Gin is one of them. More than half of gin made in the UK is made north of the border, which means that Scotland is a sea of gin distilleries. This is due to the relative speed of developing gin’s citrus-y flavor with distilled botanical elements. Whisky, on the other hand, has to spend a long time aging in a barrel before distribution. Interesting, considering that whisky is recognized as the epitome of Scottish soul.

2. Eden Mill Represents a Growing Gin Market Across the UK

This article in the Guardian about Eden Mill gin documents the statistics of gin’s unstoppable growth in Scotland, especially through small-batch makers. Gin is taking over the spirit market in Scotland, and Eden Mill is a main player in its growth. Although Eden Mill also produces whisky, it is better known for its complex range of gin. 

3. It’s a Short (And Relatively Cheap) Excursion

Eden Mill Gin tour
Aubrey Thompson

The Eden Mill Gin tour is only 10 pounds per person, which is probably what you would spend on one cocktail at a nice bar. Considering you get four full cocktails, this is definitely an affordable and fun experience just 10 minutes outside of St Andrews. The actual tour is a little over an hour, with a tasting at the end where you can linger as long as you like. 

#SpoonTip: Definitely eat something substantial beforehand, especially if you are a light drinker. Do not drive afterwards and instead opt for a cab which the Eden Mill team will happily call for you. 

4. You Can Bring Your Beer-Drinking and Whisky Connoisseur Friends

Eden Mill Gin tour
Aubrey Thompson

Not only does Eden Mill offer separate tours for their beer and whisky production (yes, they do it all), but they also ensure to incorporate the other spirits into the gin tour. I got a sense of a very tight-knit, artisan company, so the overlap between products is very natural. It also allows for plenty of experimentation and cross-distilling, which leads to unusual spirits. These include a hop gin (hops are usually reserved for beer), and a barrel-aged gin: a sort of whisky-gin hybrid. It’s the best of both worlds.

 5. The Flavors Are Creative and Delicious

Eden Mill Gin tour
Channing Cook

Eden Mill pushes creativity to the limit by using everything from sugar kelp in their new Golf Gin, to milk thistle in their Scottish Rugby gin. The latter is a personal favorite. The milk thistle lends a smooth and creamy note, which surprisingly elevates gin to a palatable state; I could drink it neat all afternoon. These are seasonal and partnership gins that are sold alongside Eden Mill’s signature gins. These signature gins include everything from the Original Gin to the Love Gin.

6. The Quality of Ingredients is Excellent

Eden Mill Gin tour
Channing Cook

Eden Mill’s choice of tonic and mixers paired with their gins keeps with the theme of all-natural and small batch brewing.   Fentiman’s rose lemonade with rose essence is the perfect match for their Love Gin; it’s surprisingly earthy and expertly avoids the soapy taste often associated with rose flavorings. Other Fentiman’s tonics accompanied the other gins that we were served in the tasting. Without giving away too much, there are heaps of herbaceous and floral things to smell during the Eden Mill Gin tour. Your nose will be very happy.

7. The Distillery Is a Great Place to Stock Up on Boozy Gifts

Eden Mill Gin tour
Aubrey Thompson

These cute “After-Dinner Gin” bottles elevate gin’s status past the standard gin-and-tonic to a place of sipping and savoring. Other great gifts at the Eden Mill Gin tour include a line of matching gin and whisky glasses, serving boards, gift sets, and flavored liquors. 

8. Balance! You Will Not Get Wasted, But You Won’t Walk Away Unfulfilled

Eden Mill Gin tour
Channing Cook

This is an excellent idea if you’re doing the noon tasting time on a Tuesday, like myself, because you will not bother your flatmates with your absurd drunkenness on a weekday. Saying that, be warned: the tipsiness you’ll experience post-tour might tempt you to immediately open the bottle of Oak Aged Gin that you just purchased.

9. You Are Going to Support a Local Business

Eden Mill Gin tour
Channing Cook

There are a lot of tours across the UK to choose from. Eden Mill has an excellent variety of gin that they are always expanding, toying with, and improving on, everyday. The sheer amount of gin varieties that leave this small distillery is impressive. 

10. You Can Take Yourself, Your Friends, and Your Parents

This tour is not overly informative or exhaustive, but structured around casual enjoyment and ease for guests. You can go with friends to get a little tipsy and get out of town, or impress your visiting parents with your oh-so-adult gin sophistication.

This tour makes a great afternoon activity for the weekend or weekday, so go and get your gin on by booking a tour through their website

Aubrey Thompson

St Andrews '19

Aubrey is a second year at the University of St Andrews. Brussel Sprouts are her bae; roasted, sautéed, and every which way. A hopeful career in food poetry on the horizon? Perhaps. Guilty pleasures include watching Sherlock whilst eating plain oatcakes granny-style. She is hopeful that the UK will soon hear her plea for filter coffee (not the same as an Americano, people.)