The Office has brought its fans some of the most memorable and unique characters of all time. After binge watching the show, you almost feel like you are part of the gang, so it’s not uncommon for a recent binge-er to imagine what life would be like if they were an employee at Dunder Mifflin.
Here is a prediction of what your fellow coworkers would bring to your house for a holiday party because hey, a girl can dream.
Michael Scott – A Santa Claus Costume

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Not entirely necessary for the party, but you thought it was the least harm he could do. He will also probably show up an hour early.
Dwight Schrute – Beets And Whatever Roadkill He Finds On The Way

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You expected Dwight to bring beets from Schrute Farms, but you didn’t expect him to pick up the goose he ran over on the way to your house.
Jim Halpert – Crescent Rolls

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A perfect slacker dish for slightly-motivated Jim.
Pam Beesly – Pie

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Pam’s sweet, and so is pie. Also she found this recipe for a peanut butter chocolate pie that is no bake and she is all about that life.
Angela Martin – Cranberries

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Her cranberries are sweet yet decently sour, just like Angela. And, as chair of the party planning committee, she will most likely have some passive aggressive comments about your decorations.
Kevin Malone – Chili

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It’s not traditional but it’s his chance to redeem himself.
Ryan Howard – WUPHF Apparel, If He Shows Up

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Ryan doesn’t want to be there in the first place, but then realizes he can get rid a lot of the merch from his failed company, “WUPHF,” by giving them away as gifts. Let’s just be happy he isn’t cooking anything because we all know that Ryan has a bad record with the kitchen.

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Kelly Kapoor – Endless chatter

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Kelly is the person at the party that you can stand by to make it look like you’re engaged in a conversation, but you don’t need to put any effort into responding because she can talk for hours.
Andy Bernard – Acappella Renditions Of Every Holiday Song

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He wanted to invite his old acappella group, Here Comes Treble, as entertainment but you said “hard pass.” So now he is just sulking in the corner adding bass to “Last Christmas” in rebellion.
Phyllis Vance – Cake

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Phyllis always surprises us with this bold, adventurous side. Since she was begged not to bring one of her exotic cakes, she thought this rainbow cake would be a fun and flirty alternative.
Creed Bratton – Food From A Soup Kitchen

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“There’s a great soup kitchen in downtown Scranton. Delicious pea soup on Thursdays.”
Oscar Martinez – Puff Pastry Wrapped Baked Brie

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Maybe one of the most level-headed people in the office, Oscar just wants to play it safe with this classic.
Toby Flenderson – Hella Expensive Bottle Of Wine

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Toby decided that this party was a perfect opportunity to crack open that fancy-ass bottle of wine he dropped major dime on. When Michael tastes it, he promptly pours it out because he thought it had gone bad and because, it’s Toby.
Stanley Hudson – Pretzels Rolls…. For Himself

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We all know how Stanley feels about pretzels, and since Jim is bringing crescent rolls, he doesn’t have to share his pretzels with ANYBODY.
Meredith Palmer – Booze

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You can guarantee Meredith will be rolling up in her van with a huge load of alcohol.
Sadly, this dinner would probably never happen but let’s just do the next best thing: binge watch a season with a glass of wine and plenty of goodies.

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