Learning to navigate a college dinning hall can be difficult. Here are some do’s and don’ts to make you a pro in the world of college dining.
1. DON’T call it “the” D-hall

Photo by Maria Glander
Everyone in the know understands that the correct name for our dining hall is D-hall. You don’t want to be that person who slips up and throws a “the” into the title.
2. DO use to-go cups to steal food

Photo by Maria Glander
Who doesn’t enjoy snacking? In D-hall you are surrounded by a variety of delicious food, why not take the opportunity to grab some treats to save for later? You can grab some cereal to snack on, a wrap, or if you want to be ambitious try to take your entire meal to go.
3.DON’T leave silverware on your dishes

Photo by Maria Glander
Have some manners and clean up after yourself, you are a goddamn adult now.
4. DO respect and be kind to D-hall staff

Photo by Maria Glander
D-hall staff work incredibly hard to make and serve you wonderful food. We know you are super hungry and want your food immediately, but remember they’re people too. Show your appreciation by writing a quick napkin note or simply saying thanks.
5. DON’T believe what you hear about red side vs. blue side

Photo courtesy of giphy.com
Myth busted. There is no such rule that dictates that student athletes should sit on the blue side of D-hall and that the more artsy students should be on the red side. Don’t believe everything you hear. Sit wherever you want, it’s a free country.
6. DO actually follow the instructions on the hot beverage machine

Photo by Maria Glander
Most of us learn this the hard way, but that sign is there for a reason.
7. DO get creative and mix ingredients from all the different stations to create a unique meal

Photo courtesy of quickmeme.com
Let your creative and culinary skills shine. Using the griddle station is a great way to break up the monotony of D-hall food. Take some veggies and/or meats from the salad bar, pasta, or sandwich station to spice up your meal. The options are endless; you can make anything from killer fried rice to an excellent omelet.
8. DO avoid the long lines by eating before or after the lunch and dinner rushes

Photo by Maria Glander
No one likes waiting for food, especially if you are starving. Save yourself the trouble and beat the the mobs of people by heading to D-Hall either before or after the lunch and dinner rushes. You will thank yourself later.