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Five DIY Food Face Masks That Are Good Enough To Eat

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Seton Hall chapter.

With warm weather season finally shining upon us, everyone seems to be on the lookout for ways to achieve better skin. While it’s easy to invest in various face masks from your favorite beauty brands, why spend that hard-earned cash when you can make your own treatments at home? Face masks can be insanely easy to make (some only require two ingredients!) just from the food you have in your kitchen. You can even make specific face masks for different skin types! Here are just a few easy DIY face masks that can be made from foods that you probably have in your kitchen right now:

Dry Skin: Hydrating Avocado Mask

Keep Avocados Fresh avocado guacamole
Rebecca Holstein

What you’ll need:

1/2 Ripe Avocado

1 tsp Plain Yogurt

1 tsp Honey

While catching some rays at the beach can leave you with the perfect summer glow, it can also really stress out your skin. Hydrate your face with this awesome mask without having to give up your beach day tan! Leave it on for 10 – 15 minutes for maximum hydration.

Oily Skin: Matcha Mask

What you’ll need:

1/4 cup Cooked Plain Oatmeal

1/4 tsp Matcha Powder

1/2 tsp Honey

Lemon Juice

While mixing  together the oatmeal, matcha, and honey, begin to squeeze in some lemon juice until the consistency is just right for you. Matcha, a Japanese-based green tea powder, has an incredible amount of antioxidants which will do wonders for your skin cells. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes in the morning and you’ll be all set with a fresh face for that *coveted* summer job interview you’ve been prepping for!

Detoxing: Detox Face Mask

What you’ll need: 

2 Tbsp Bentonite Clay

1 tsp Virgin Coconut Oil

1/2 Tbsp Raw Honey

Juice of Half a Lemon

So maybe we don’t all have bentonite clay casually sitting around in our pantry for everyday use. However, it’s worth buying for this face mask! This special ingredient has many health benefits, one being the ability to bind with bacteria and toxins on the surface of your face and extract them from the pores as well. Detoxing once a week for 10 minutes will leave you feeling like a whole new person!

Acne-Prone: Homemade Acne Mask

What you’ll need:

2 Tbsp Bentonite Clay

2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

This mask pulls out all of the oils, dirt, and impurities from your skin, and eventually will help to get rid of your blemishes. Apple cider vinegar is a key supplement in this mask, as it fights acne, reduces age spots, and fights wrinkles. Leave this concoction on for 10 – 20 minutes depending on how sensitive your skin is and bask in the beauty of the results! 

Exfoliating: Brown Sugar, Olive Oil, and Peaches

What you’ll need:

1/2 a Ripe Peach (pureed)

1/2 Tbsp Olive Oil

1 Tbsp Brown Sugar 

While the peach and brown sugar exfoliates the skin, the olive oil will help moisturize. Just keep in mind that if you have oily skin, you definitely won’t need to add the olive oil to the mixture. With this mask, say adios to dead skin cells and hello to a silky-smooth fresh face!

No matter what you have planned for the summer, you’ll always be fresh faced and ready to go for what ever the day has in store for you with these super-simple food face masks. So get ready to take on that interview, pose in all those Instagram pics with your friends, and spend days in the sun without worry. These masks won’t let you down and will always have your back (and your face!).

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Kiah Conway

Seton Hall '19

I'm a Journalism and Creative Writing double major and also considering a minor in Criminal Justice. I have loved writing since the 6th grade and have been an avid reader pretty much from birth.