On those glorious mornings when your head is still spinning from the night before and you can’t get out of bed, much less expend the time or energy for a cold shower before class, it can sound like way too much effort to find something to eat.
The thing is, breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day, and skipping it will lead to more exhaustion later in the day, which can make that hangover last even longer. We know you want to stay in bed for as long as possible before those early morning classes, so these breakfasts require no prep. Better yet, they can all be eaten with only one hand, making it even easier to eat on the road and make it to your lecture.
PSA: Have a bottle of water in the other hand because your hungover self could benefit from some hydration.

GIF courtesy of uproxx.com
With just one hand, you can nourish yourself – while you check out the pics from last night as you run, bike, scooter, or longboard to your 8 am class, and avoid feeling like Leslie Knope at all costs:

Photo by Mike Mozart
Yogurt provides essential nutrients to help kick-start your metabolism, and thus makes a great breakfast food. However, it’s impossible to successfully maneuver a spoon with yogurt from the container to your mouth while in an Olympic-level sprint, especially when the world is still spinning, thus, the benefits of GoGurt come into play.
As children, we weren’t old enough to recognize the ingenious invention of the plastic packaging that guides the yogurt directly into our mouth, no spoon needed. Now that you’re mature enough to appreciate it, get your nutrients for class and settle your stomach, minus the mess.

Photo courtesy of Cafe Fleurette
Regardless of whether or not you studied abroad, a croissant can make you feel like a globe-trotter, even if it is just for a few minutes. Who’s to say you can’t travel the globe before your 8 am, anyway?
The carbohydrates will help your stomach as it still may be reeling from last night. If you miraculously have a few extra seconds, heat up your croissant in the microwave, I promise it will taste infinitely better, and you’ll feel as though you have your life together (sort of).

Photo by Mike Mozart
As children, we relished the times our parents gave into buying us these delectable treats for breakfast. As (semi) adults, we now possess the freedom to buy them whenever we please. Pop-Tarts taste like cake (or heaven) in a portable breakfast form, so they are sure to help keep the party going as the cold morning air stings your lungs on your walk (run) to class. And since these are basically dessert for breakfast, maybe eat a vegetable later in the day.
Cold Pizza

Photo by Jenn Durfey
There is no shame in a hearty, delicious slice of leftover pizza. It’s a widely-known fact that cold pizza is even better in the morning than it was the night before. Just grab it straight from the box as your rub your eyes and throw some cold water on your face.
Your head is probably pounding from last night’s festivities, and the greasiness from the pizza is sure to help your hangover. Remember, everyone, this is college; no need to be embarrassed.
Kind Bar

Photo by Alex Furuya
Perhaps the only truly healthy item on this list, a Kind Bar is the breakfast of someone who’s successfully keeping up the façade of having his or her life together, no matter how terrible they feel inside.
While the rest of your peers may think you’re a healthy gym-addict, those running shorts are actually your pajamas and you miraculously found the Kind Bar while searching for your keys at the bottom of your bag. If you’re an overachiever (or broke), try this DIY Kind Bars recipe.
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Photo courtesy of CNN Eatocracy
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches will always have your back. They’ve been with you everywhere from school lunch boxes to quick dinners; they’ll be there for you in the morning, too. There’s even a ton of ways to elevate your sandwich game (think: bananas, granola, Nutella). And if you’re feeling like Elvis, check out this recipe for peanut butter bacon sandwiches.
Breakfast Burrito

Photo by Julie Mirliss
If you have a few extra minutes to spare, whip up a quick breakfast burrito, the holy grail of hangover foods. Eggs will give you protein to sustain yourself throughout the day while the cheese will satisfy your greasy cravings. Throw in some potatoes or tater tots if you’re feeling extra special.
On the other hand, if you’re completely out of time, the leftover Taco Bell from your 2 am drunchies works just as well. Grab the half-eaten burrito off your coffee table. It may not taste as great as it did last night, but never fear, scientists have found Taco Bell doesn’t rot.
Chia Squeeze Packet

Photo courtesy of mammachia.com
Three quick slurps of these chia seed snack packets, and you’re well on your way to feeling like a real human once again. Somewhere in between a drink and a pudding, these little babies are packed with Omega-3’s, protein, and fiber, AKA what your body needs in order to forget you only got four hours of sleep, and two of them were on your floor.
Keep a stock of chia packets so that when the time comes, you can grab your favorite flavor, quickly pop the top off, and finish your breakfast before walking into the classroom.
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Photo by Amanda Shulman
If it has the word “oatmeal” in it, it still qualifies as breakfast, right? If anyone questions why you’re eating a cookie for breakfast, remind them that Betty Crocker invented these delectable treats for a reason. They are the healthy (but tasty) counterpart to chocolate chip cookies. Oats have complex carbohydrates and are high in fiber, keeping you full for longer.
This oatmeal raisin cookie recipe doubles as a facial, so you can look like you actually got some sleep last night. Stick one of the cookies in the microwave before you run out the door and you’ll never look back.

Photo by Kelly Ho
An apple a day keeps the doctor (and your hangover) away. Apples are great at detoxifying your liver (much needed) and have a high water content to replenish your system. The fiber found in apples is also known to reduce nausea, so if your stomach is churning, grab one of these and eat it on the go. Check out the ABC’s of apples and get the lowdown on which type of apple is best for you.

Photo by Amy Miller
While a drink may not typically qualify as a “breakfast,” caffeine is a weekday drinker’s lifeline. You may not have slept for very long last night, but this magical beverage will suppress your appetite and wake you up so that you pretend like you understand what your professor has to say.
If you don’t have the time to brew a pot on your own, stop by Starbucks on your way (don’t worry, your barista won’t judge you if you keep your sunglasses on inside). Here’s some tips on how to order at Starbucks when you want to be healthy if you’re feeling regretful after last night.
Toaster Waffle

Photo by Marcus Jeffrey
The only breakfast your parents could get you to eat before school has made a comeback. Pop them in the toaster in travel back in time as you wait for them to heat up. You can even get creative with toppings, check out these awesome ways to dress up your Eggo waffle (goodbye boring syrup, hello sausage, cheese, and Sriracha). If you’re feeling on top of your game, here’s a great recipe for a BEC waffle sandwich (best part: the waffles are sautéed in syrup). But if you plan on eating it one-handed, we recommend skipping the syrup.