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4 Important Food Rules for Studying Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at San Diego chapter.

When studying abroad, there are so many new things. New people, new sights, new languages, and best of all, new foods. Whether it’s for one month or one year, any time spent in a different culture calls for you to try as much food as possible. Even though you still want to come back with a rockin’ bod after studying abroad, enjoying the food will make your experience that much better.

1. Don’t count calories


Photo courtesy of Olivia Sandusky

There are several things that can occupy your mind while studying abroad, calories should not be one of them. When you’re in a different country, you’re expected to explore new tastes of the culture without worrying about gaining a little weight. It’s just more of you to love, and worth every bit.

2. Try the town’s specialty dish


Photo courtesy of Olivia Sandusky

If a town has something that they are known for, order it! When I studied abroad in Ferrara, Italy, I had no idea what cappellacci di zucca was (or how to say it), but I can tell you that it changed my life. Especially in a small town, if the area has something sweet or savory that they are known for, it will most likely be something that you can look upon favorably as a memory, and possibly a dish you can create back at home.

3. Order something you wouldn’t normally eat


Photo courtesy of Olivia Sandusky

Come on, you’re in a different country. It’s time to try something new! Even if you think you wouldn’t like it, sometimes different dishes will surprise you. If you can’t pronounce it, odds are, it’ll be delicious. Ask the server if they have any recommendations for specialty dishes to really help you fully immerse in the culture.

4. Always get dessert


Photo courtesy of Olivia Sandusky

Once again, the calories don’t count, right? If you’re in Italy, order gelato. If your’e in France, get a crepe or a macaroon. Desserts are most area’s way to create unique, flavorful dishes that are too delicious for words. Sometimes town specialities are a go-to for desserts. Plus, if you aren’t too picky, asking a server to surprise you with a sweet treat is a great way to be adventurous and really dive into the culture!

I am a junior at USD who lives baking, going to the beach, and eating everything in sight.