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10 Wine Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Saint Marys chapter.

Millennials are becoming known for their love of wine, more than any other generation. Doctors have even said one glass of red wine a day is okay, and we have to follow the doctor’s orders, right? Wine is now sold in fun, artsy bottles, making them even more tempting to purchase. The best part is that after you finish the bottle, whether it takes an hour or a week, you can keep the bottle to use as decoration around your dorm room, apartment, or house. 

Luckily, millennials’ love for wine is equivalent (if not greater than) their love for social media and wine connoisseurs have taken advantage of that. Everyone from vineyard owners to Food and Wine Magazine have accounts to help quench your thirst for wine. Here are some of the best wine Instagram accounts to follow (and it gets better as you keep reading, like a good bottle of wine).

1. @wineharlots

With 11.7k followers, Nannette Eaton knows what people like to see. Her posts are wine-focused, with some incredible looking food to go along with the wine. There are some cat pics thrown in for good measure too.

2. @wine_pass

Italy is one of the top places associated with wine. Italy is beautiful, North to South, and some of the best wines come from Italy. Ever heard wine is cheaper than water in Italy? Can confirm. Follow this account for a virtual tour of Italian views, foods, and wines.

3. @lastbottlewines

Last Bottle Wines showcases their own wine, right from Napa, California. These pictures won’t only make you thirsty for that next bottle, but will make you want to book the first flight you see for wine country California. 

4. @wineducation

Want to quench your thirst for knowledge just as much as your thirst for wine? This account has got you covered. Wineducation provides information about the drink you love so much. 

5. @backthatglassup

If the name of the account didn’t make you want to follow it immediately, maybe the fact that the owners fill their incredible pictures with humor will keep you there. 

6. @thewinegirlcapetown

If Cape Town, South Africa is not already on your list of places to travel, it will be after looking through this account. As it says in her bio, the owner is making her way through 800 wineries, and you will want to be with her through the process. 

7. @onceuponawine_

This guy is living the life, traveling around Australia (!) tasting different wines at beautiful locations. I only wish I could book my ticket to Australia after looking through his pictures. 

8. @winespiritsfood

An account completely focused on showing us the best wine AND food? Could anything be better? I cannot think of anything. This account represents different drinks and foods from around the world.

9. @thecheeseandwineco

Cheese in all forms is the best thing ever, so cheese with wine equals perfection. This is the largest cheese and wine retailer on Instagram and their beautiful pictures support that statement. I’m currently wishing I was on that boat with the platter of cheese in front of me. 

10. @bordeauxwines

If everything is a little French to you, this account is calling your name. From the beautiful pictures of France to the beautiful pictures of wine, you will be left wanting more. 

Emily Doyle

Saint Marys '18

I am a junior marketing major at Saint Mary's College with a passion for sports and food. I want to work in sports and travel and try as much food as I can from as many places as I can.