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Soybeans Are Subsidized By The Government, & Here’s What That Means For You

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Rutgers chapter.


Soybeans are important plants used by consumers due to their rich protein content and high nutritional value. A few common soy products include tofu, soy nuts, milk, edamame, and sprouts. Many other cultures also eat soy sauce, miso, and nattō (fermented soybeans).

Soybeans are extremely important and versatile. They have spread worldwide, becoming a key ingredient in many dishes. Overall, they are used in a wide range of forms and flavors, showing how one plant can be transformed in many delicious ways.

The government even gives farmers money to grow soybeans at a cheaper price, making it cheaper for consumers to purchase these products. This also makes it cheaper for consumers to purchase soy products. However, this may cause an overgrowth of soybeans, impacting the environment.

Impact on the Environment 

Soybeans are used to feed a variety of livestock, such as cows and chickens. However, they are more susceptible to diseases that harm the environment. Having more soybean plants in one place can make it easier for some diseases to spread and worsen.

Impact on the Market 

The market can be affected if the government is too focused on soybeans. If sudden price changes occur, this can cause problems as well. In addition, other countries might have a harder time selling their products. 

I grew up with a Korean background, so soy sauce and miso are essential in my cooking. These foods come from soybeans and have changed the way I taste and cook food. They are in so many recipes, like soups, stews, and sauces, and they’re healthy, too, giving good protein.

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Shelby Han

Rutgers '26