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What Is a Candy Apple? What to Know About This Fall Treat

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Rollins chapter.

Not to be confused with caramel apples, the candy apple is a vibrant red treat that usually hits the shelves around Halloween. We’ve all probably stumbled upon a candy apple at some point in our lives–they’re hard to avoid in the early months of fall–but what is a candy apple? I took the liberty of researching the details of this Halloween treat to find out what what exactly it is and how it became so popular.

A Brief History of the Candy Apple

Epitome of Fall
ksunderman on Flickr

It’s no coincidence that the red gloss coating of candy apples can be easily spotted in stores across America. According to Food & Wine, in 1908, a candy maker named William W. Kolb was looking for ways to draw customers into his little shop in Newark, New Jersey during Christmastime. To do so, he experimented with a red cinnamon candy, melted it down, and dipped apples on sticks into the sweet yet spicy coating.

Voíla, the candy apple was created. However, the apples were meant only as a display for the candy shop window. Thinking that people were walking through the shop doors wanting to buy traditional candy, Kolb was thrilled. But the customers weren’t there for simple treats, they wanted to get their hands on the apple display that looked good enough to eat. 

Kolb figured he could make profits from these apples, so he began selling them regularly in his shop. What was supposed to be a display soon became a well-known treat across the Jersey Shore at various festivals and carnivals. Soon, the treat became a staple treat to give out on Halloween night.

The Typical Candy Apple

You can make the traditional candy apples with cinnamon candy, such as Red Hots, sugar, corn syrup, red food dye, red apples, and stable wooden sticks. 

By following this simple candy apple recipe, you can impress your friends with homemade, classic candy apples rather than showing up to a party with ones from a store. Not only will they taste awesome, but they will probably be cheaper than buying a dozen from your local candy shop. 

Feeling Creative?

end of summer bucket list sweet tea
Margaret Weinberg

If you want to make candy apples with a twist, there are some recipes that will get you in the Halloween spirit. If you’re really into the unicorn trend that’s going on right now, you could make these brightly colored candy apples, which are vibrant and fun for any party!

Feeling haunted this Halloween? These ‘poison’ apples are the perfect addition to any haunted house or spooky themed party! For those of us trying to get boozy this Halloween, there are plenty of ways to get the same candy apple flavor with a little kick. Try these candy apple Jello shots at your next pregame. 

And if you aren’t in the mood to eat sugary treats, you can purchase products inspired by them in almost any drugstore. There is candy apple red lipstick, candy apple red nail polish, and even a candy apple lip balm that will allow you to get your candy apple fix this fall. 

Candy apples have been around for a long time, and now that I know how they were invented, I have a new appreciation for this fall treat. While the classic recipe is amazing, I’m excited to try out all of the other candy apple recipes that are circulating around Pinterest this time of year. So get ready, because fall is going to be extra sweet this year! 

If it involves pizza, I'm in.