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London 1

A Self-Proclaimed Foodie’s Guide to London

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Rollins chapter.

As a truly global and diverse city, London has an endless amount of restaurants to satisfy any of your cravings. Your options range from the traditional English meals of meat pies and fish & chips; to the nation’s unofficial official dish: curry; and popular Italian and American dishes that are recognized worldwide. Prior to studying abroad, I was warned that the food in London may not live up to the expectations set in the States and other parts of Europe, but I have found this to be far from true. Quite honestly, nearly all of my meals in London were delicious. A self-proclaimed foodie, I’ve explored London to seek the city’s best dishes.

Full English Breakfast

Prior to my arrival in London, I had not heard of a Full English breakfast. Stacked with British bacon (similar to what we would call ham in the States), sausage, eggs, toast, beans, and sometimes tomatoes and mushrooms, the Full English is sure to satisfy a meat lover’s morning cravings. It typically comes with a cup of either tea or coffee — and I always opt for tea!

Donald Phan


On Tuesday mornings, I have a few hours to spare before class and use this time to catch up on work over a nice brunch. I find myself craving pancakes quite often (the Lemon Raspberry Pancakes from Briarpatch to be specific) and take the Tube to try different restaurants searching for something similar. I’ve noticed that the pancakes in London are typically made a little less fluffy than in the States and kept on the griddle until they have a slight crisp.

Donald Phan

Fish & Chips

No trip to London would be complete without trying the fish & chips! Most chipperies (fish & chip restaurants) serve either cod or haddock; after trying both types of fish, I prefer the cod! The breading is perfectly crunchy atop the light, flaky fish. 

Donald Phan


Neapolitan-style, sourdough pizza has been a quick to-go meal for many of my flatmates and I. With many pizzerias located across London, you’re never too far from getting pizza! Plus, you’re much closer to Italy if you want to take a weekend trip!

Donald Phan

Afternoon Tea

During my first week in London, I attended an afternoon tea and learned the process of drinking tea correctly. Tip of the Day: don’t make eye contact with anyone while drinking tea! All of the little sandwiches and desserts were gorgeous, delicious, and the most fun thing to eat. 

Donald Phan


As the nation’s unofficial official dish, curry can be found on almost any street corner! The curry I’ve had in London is typically a little sweeter since it is often coconut milk based, but can definitely be spicy!

Donald Phan

Ice Cream

The ice cream (dairy ice) at Windsor Castle was the best ice cream I’ve ever had! Using milk from the royal cows, Windsor Castle ice cream was the perfect amount of rich and creamy.

Donald Phan

Read my original blog post here. 

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Donald Phan

Rollins '19