In January, Spoon wrote about some of the advantages of the French Press. Now it’s time to break down how the device actually works.
Getting your caffeine fix can be a grind during the morning coffee shop rush. Plus, some of your favorite Starbucks drinks aren’t as healthy as they seem. Save yourself the trouble by brewing your own coffee in a french press.
While models are available in a wide range of prices, starter models can be found easily for less than $15. If you consider the price of a pound of coffee beans (Starbucks beans run around $13 a pound) and the fact that one pound is enough coffee for at least 50 cups, the price of a cup ends up around 20-25 cents. It’s cheaper and healthier than campus coffee shops, gives you control over how strong you want your brew and saves you precious time in the morning (for sleep).
Step 1: Boil water and grind your coffee beans

Photo by Parsa Lotfi
Boiling water is simple enough, but getting your beans right might take some work. French Press coffee is typically made with a coarser grind so that the grounds get caught in the press and pushed to the bottom. A finer grind produces a stronger brew though, so you can tweak your technique to fit your style.
Step 2: Pour your grounds in the container and pour in hot water to an inch below the brim

Photo by Parsa Lotfi
#SpoonTip: Give your water at least a minute to cool off before pouring.
Like tea, coffee can taste burnt and bitter if the water is too hot. Letting your water lose some of its heat will result in a fuller flavor. I usually wait until my kettle is boiled, then remove it from the heat and grind my beans while I wait for the water to cool.
Step 3: Let your brew steep for around 5 minutes.

Photo by Parsa Lotfi
This step is also up to your personal preference, since the longer you let your coffee steep, the stronger your it will be. Five minutes is a safe bet for a 12 oz. French Press.
Step 4: Press and enjoy.

Photo by Parsa Lotfi
Here’s the fun part, after your coffee is steeped to perfection, grab the top to your French Press and push those pesky grounds out of the way of your delicious bean juice. No more waiting in lines for sub par brew, now you can get the good stuff while still half asleep and in your PJ’s.