For those of us who aren’t prone to mornings, waking up can be one of the worst and hardest parts of the day. Ever wondered why it’s so hard to get out of bed in the morning? Well, it’s not just you being lazy. There’s an actual science behind it.

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Our bodies have this thing called a “circadian rhythm.” This rhythm, or internal clock, is the cycle that dictates when our body wants to eat, exercise, concentrate, relax and sleep.
Unfortunately, our daily lives don’t always perfectly match up with our bodies internal clock. Things like that 10-page research paper that you procrastinated on or the party that you just had to go to because FOMO sometimes gets in the way. Use these hacks to make getting yourself out of bed easier:
1. Use an alarm clock that forces you to get up

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Everyone dreads hearing that obnoxious “beep beep beep” in the morning. Your first instinct is probably to press the snooze button and slip back under the covers. While I love this strategy, it doesn’t exactly promote getting up.
In order to avoid this addictive habit, try placing your alarm clock far enough away from your bed that you’re forced to get up. For all you techy people out there, test out these creative alarm clock apps or the alarm clock you actually have to chase, Clocky.
2. Use natural light

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If you like sleeping in a pitch dark room, consider adjusting the blinds so that natural light can stream in and assist you in waking up naturally. This light will stimulate your body to stop the release of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and you will naturally be more ready to wake up. Cue the sweet sound of chirping birds and the rising sun.
3. Drink water

Photo by Caroline Liu
Believe it or not, water is actually a better way to wake your body than coffee. Since your body runs on water, drinking it wakes up your brain’s functionality quicker. Plus, staying hydrated gives you a healthy bod and who doesn’t want that?
Water kick starts your metabolism, hydrates you, helps rid your body of toxins, gives your brain fuel, and might even make you eat less. If you’re bored of normal water, try these to spice up your morning.
4. Turn off technology

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Real talk: Who doesn’t love a daily dose of Instagram or Netflix before going to bed. Catching up on social media before turning off the lights seems like an essential part of any college student’s daily routine. While we may think that these apps help us to fall asleep or relax, they actually inhibit the process.
The bright screen of a phone or computer restrains the production of melatonin, making it harder to fall and stay asleep. In addition, even just keeping a phone within arms reach can still disturb slumber, thanks to the chimes of never ending group texts or email alerts.
5. Use a tracking site

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Sleepytime works by counting backwards in sleep cycles. It lets you know what time you should fall asleep depending on what time you want to get up. Waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle is what makes you feel so tired and exhausted, but waking up in between cycles results in you feeling energized, refreshed and ready to take on the day.
6. Smile

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Science has actually proven that smiling positively changes the chemistry of your brain. When you exercise those muscles needed to smile, your brain literally feels happy. So, try waking up and throwing on a smile to make the morning a little less excruciating. Fake it till you make it, am I right?