Xavier University of Cincinnati, Ohio has rewarded its students with the treat of a lifetime: installing a 24-hour, self-service pizza ATM right on campus.

Photo courtesy of @pizzaatm on Instagram
Pizza ATMs have been around in Europe for more than a decade, and the United States is finally getting with the program. Working the machine is pretty simple; you can choose toppings for your pie on a touch screen menu, wait three minutes for the pizza to be cooked to perfection, and a box of salvation from those all those nights of studying greets you. Sounds easy enough, right? It is.

Photo courtesy of @pizzaatm on Instagram
The pizza costs between $9 and $10, and the company that creates the ATMs—Paline—is set on making them as commonplace as regular ATMs within the next few years.

GIF courtesy of giphy.com
Oh, and that’s not even the best part. Apparently, all the pizza is prepped by the school’s dining hall staff who must undergo 40 hours of training from a French chef.

GIF courtesy of giphy.com
Students no longer have to live off of frozen, leftover breakfast or half-homemade pizza. The delicious ATM’s grand opening was August 10, since which Paline and Xavier University have been closely monitoring sales to increase the efficiency and popularity of the wonderful contraption. They will also send out Twitter and Yik Yak quizzes to get feedback from students. If reviews are good, hopefully more schools will see the pizza ATM light and follow suit installing them on camous. Keep your fingers crossed.