Freshman year can be tough, but you can be tougher with these foodie tips in the back of your mind. Penn Staters help out fellow Penn Staters, so take these tips and cash them in the bank because I guarantee you can make good use of each and every one.
1. Download the Dining@PSU App

Gif courtesy of
Guys, this is how you make friends. You bond over what is being served at dining halls and then you go to eat it together #friendship. But really, this app is essential to making the most of your meal points and getting what YOU want to eat.
2. Order online at Chipotle

Photo by Xinwei Zeng
Chipotle is bae for so many reasons. With over 40,000 students at Penn State, our Chipotle location, to no surprise, is always packed. There is no feeling like walking into Chipotle and being able to stroll right past the line to pick up your to-go bag made of love and guac. So kids, order your Chipotle online.
3. Use Gumby’s Delivery for Pokey Stix

Photo by Jenna Rosen
OrderUp is wonderful, but sometimes they get ya. This is one of those situations because Gumby’s actually has their own delivery service. Instead of paying the OrderUp fee for delivery, just have Gumby’s do it for you.
#SpoonPSUTip: Save some $$ by purchasing a bottle of your fav dipping sauce rather than buying individual dips each time.
4. Buy a pint at the Creamery

Photo by Morgan Nagy
When the Creamery craving hits, there’s no turning back. The line for our freshly made ice cream is unfortunately longer than we want it to be, but FYI, there’s an alternate line. The alternate line is used as a “regular” item checkout, but guess what’s including as a regular item? Pre-packed creamery ice cream. Skip the line and buy a pint next time!
5. Go to West for cookies

Photo courtesy of @pennstatedining on Instagram
You know the super mushy in the middle, crispy on the outside chocolate chip cookies from Panera? Yeah, well West gives those a run for their money. Without a doubt, West dining commons (AKA Waring Hall) serves the best cookies on campus. If you spend your freshman year without trying at least one West cookie, you’re doing it wrong.
6. Try local State College restaurants

Photo by Sierra Baldwin
Admit it, State College is super cute. While State College does have many chain restaurants, they also have more than a handful of their own originals. The Corner Room, Baby’s and Fiddlehead, just to name a few, are all within walking distance of campus…so really, you have no excuse not to go.
7. Check out the Farmer’s Market

Photo courtesy of @downtownfarmersmarket on Instagram
Open on Fridays from 11:30am-5pm, during the months of May-November, State College has their own Farmer’s Market located downtown on Locust Lane. From fresh fruits and veggies to the most full-of-life flowers, you will be amazed with what you see.
8. Download Hooked and OrderUp

Photo by Tori Baier
Hooked gives you a legitimate excuse to avoid the dining halls and eat out because this app gives you discounts – your mom and dad will love you for this one! OrderUp is a delivery service for a ton of restaurants in the area. Both of these apps are pros at satisfying your most random food cravings.
9. Try the DIY Stir-Fry from South

Gif courtesy of
This stir-fry changes lives (okay, maybe not, but it is delicious). I didn’t find out about the DIY stir-fry until my second semester of freshman year, but I wanna make sure you all know about it ASAP. You’ll be craving this stir-fry for lunch dinner and who knows, maybe even breakfast.
10. Go to Pollock for game day brunch

Photo by Isabel Ross
Game day is a B1G day in Happy Valley, so you better make sure you fuel up right. Pollock dining commons has extended hours on Saturday for brunch. Feelin’ eggs and bacon? They got ya covered. How about a meatball hoagie and some fries? Yep, that’s an option too.
11. Always grab fruit from the dining halls

Photo by Sabrina Kistler
Near the exits of each dining hall, there are baskets filled with fruit – usually apples, bananas, oranges or pears. With each swipe in, you can snag a piece of fruit. So, theoretically, if you are eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at the dining hall that’s 3 pieces of fruit a day that you can store in your dorm. Plus, fruit makes for the perfect healthy snack when you’re on the go!
If this article helps at least one hungry freshman here at Penn State, I’ll consider it a success. Study hard, stay in shape and eat good food, my friends.