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State College Senior Bucket List

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at PSU chapter.

It’s the week of graduation, and it’s time for seniors to have the crippling realization that they are leaving this wonderful town. In order to make the blow hurt a little less, I’ve devised a schedule to say goodbye to all of your favorite restaurants and memories that have revolved around food and college.

bucket list

Photo by Allie Bloom

Monday: Start your week off with a tour of the place where it all started—East Halls. By all means DO NOT go to the actual dining hall…no one needs to remember that. However, the Big O was pretty awesome and totally worth another look.

Tuesday: Take a stroll eastward again and get some Creamery ice cream. You can not graduate from Penn State without trying the fatty frozen delight that is Penn State’s ice cream. You’ve probably had this at least 800 times, but you need it before you leave. Take some on the road with you if you’re that cool.

Wednesday: Relive your 21st birthday by revisiting The Phyrst. Maybe you’re visiting this bar for the first time, or maybe you’re just remembering it for the first time. Regardless, this bar is a staple of Penn State culture and definitely deserving of your foodie goodbye.

bucket list

Photo by Allie Bloom

Thursday: Thursday is the day before graduation (possibly) so chill out at Cafe 210 West for some good food and drinks. Bonus points if you bring all your friends and reminisce incessantly about how many great times you have at Penn State and how many places you’ve thrown up in State College.

Friday: Chances are you’ll be celebrating hardcore on Friday, so take this opportunity to live it up at College Pizza. Live like a millionaire and drunkenly make it rain while buying everyone’s slices for them. Who cares? You’re officially an adult with a college degree. You can do whatever you want.

bucket list

Photo by Allie Bloom

Saturday: There is an equal chance that you will be hungover on Saturday morning so take this opportunity to take your final trip to Waffle Shop. Get there early to avoid the line, and try not to cry uncontrollably knowing that you’ll never taste these delicious waffles again…unless you come back. Which is super possible.

Sunday: If you’re still here on Sunday, take this opportunity to eat brunch or dinner at The Corner Room. What’s a better way to say goodbye to Penn State than eating right on College Ave. with some grilled stickies a la mode for dessert.

bucket list

Photo by Allie Bloom


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