So, if you haven’t heard, there was an article floating around the web for all you candy lovers – a Reddit user actually took the time to scientifically find out which Reese’s candy has the most peanut butter. There are two things I want to point out:
1. Who has time for that?
2. Why didn’t we think of that?
While we might not have had the time, smarts or resources to prove which Reese’s candy has the most peanut butter, we do have one resource that never fails: our tastebuds. We gathered the top 5 Reese’s candies and ranked them (unscientifically, of course) from least to most, in terms of just how much peanut butter our taste buds could detect.

Photo by Alexis Aumiller
5. Reese’s Pieces

Photo by Alexis Aumiller
These guys are the nutty cousins of M&M’s. Perfect for a quick peanut butter fix, but not enough to satisfy a craving. Plus, can we talk about how messy these things are? One ounce of heat and these guys turn straight to liquid. Reese’s Pieces are a no for me.
4. Reese’s Miniatures

Photo by Alexis Aumiller
While miniatures are the perfect bite size peanut butter cup, the peanut butter to chocolate ratio is way off. Every bite consists of (mostly) the hard, chocolate shell and very little peanut butter. I’d rather have these Reese’s than no Reese’s at all, but the struggle to satisfy my peanut butter need is real.
3. Reese’s Nutrageous

Photo by Alexis Aumiller
Reese’s Nutrageous is the perfect combination for your mouth. With a generous amount of velvety peanut butter for a candy bar, Nutrageous bars combine peanut butter with peanuts and caramel for the best experience your tastebuds could ask for. Though Nutrageous bars are great, they’re no match for the first two on our list.
2. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup

Photo by Alexis Aumiller
As the King of Reese’s candy, the legendary peanut butter cup has big shoes to fill. This is surely the go to option if you want a good amount of peanut butter, but still, the peanut butter to hard shell ratio bumps the peanut butter cup down to number two. Which brings us to…
1. Reese’s Fastbreak

Photo by Alexis Aumiller
The winner of the official peanut butter taste test is the Fastbreak bar. This candy bar provides the perfect mixture of nougat and peanut butter, creating a creamy, smooth taste that’s unforgettable. We’d give him a crown made of peanut butter we could.