In the service industry we have a saying: Everyone in the world should be required to work in a restaurant for one month. Then people will understand lists like these.
I learn new things every day by working in a restaurant, but these 9 things are the ones that I am continuously noticing.
1. Some people are just generally cruel.

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Even if you’re the best server out there, someone is bound to complain or dislike you. One time I legit had a woman make me cry because the chicken on her (cold) salad was too cold for her liking. The point is you can’t please everyone. Do the best you can, always keep a smile, and if they still don’t like you then #byeeeee.
2. The nicest people usually tip the worst.

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It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Most of the time a table that barely speaks to you will tip high, while a table that asks all about your life will leave an average or below average tip. Why this happens I’ll never know, but in my restaurant it’s expected. Btw, a 20% tip is AVERAGE these days.
3. Working in a restaurant is not for weak people.

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Working in a restaurant leaves you sweaty and broken out, with residue of god knows what running down your leg. You have to clean up spills and pick up people’s half eaten chicken wings, all while looking decent. Working in a restaurant isn’t for people who don’t like to get dirty cause, trust me, you will.
4. Pick and choose your battles.

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Sure, it’d be easy to tell that nasty customer to pack up and leave, or get frustrated when the kitchen is taking too long. But in the end, what are you gaining? Working in the service industry will teach you to pick and choose your battles with everyone from customers to other servers.
5. You become a pro at multitasking.

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Three people ask for new drinks, one person needs silverware and the hostess just double sat you? Got it! Multitasking becomes a way of life at a restaurant. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, but becoming skilled at multitasking at work can really help you out at home, too.
6. Your memory becomes sharp.

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Along with multitasking, your memorization skills become the bomb. Remembering a four person order is as easy as remembering to tie your shoes. You’ll forget things here and there, but in the grand scheme of things, your memory is on point.
7. Actions have a domino effect.

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No matter what happens in a restaurant, actions always have a domino effect. Kitchen messes up your order? Now the table gets their food late and you get a bad tip. Forget to ring in an order? Now the kitchen falls behind on all of their other tickets because they have to accommodate you. Working in a restaurant is a great way to learn to take responsibility for your actions.
8. A lot of time goes into prepping your food.

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While some your food might be quick to cook, others are homemade and prepped well in advance for your enjoyment. Chefs and cooks work long hours before and after opening and closing so that you can have fresh, homemade meals. So thank yo’ kitchen staff.
9. Working in a restaurant is like working with family.

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It’s true — these people will become like your second family. You will disagree and fight with them, but in the end, you’re all going through the same thing together. Cheers to working in the service industry!