WWJD is an important question for followers of Jesus to ask themselves, but as a foodie, I have another important question: What would Jesus eat? We can only guess what he would eat in modern day America, but we CAN find out (with a little research) what he probably ate during his time on earth.
I’ve done just that. According to my findings, if you want to dine like the man himself, here’s what you should be eating.

Photo by Elyse Belarge
The Lord was not gluten-free, therefore I shall not be gluten-free. If you want to eat bread that is similar to the stuff my boy Jesus ate, try some ancient grain sprouted loaves (due to the way grain was stored in biblical times, most of it sprouted before use).

Photo by Smita Jain
Jesus’ very first miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding. Mentions of him drinking wine are frequent in the New Testament. I like your style, Son of God.

Photo by Amanda Shulman
Many of the dudes in Jesus’ inner circle (the disciples) were once fisherman. Surrounded with this kind of skill set, is it any wonder that Jesus ate lots of fresh fish?
Olives and Olive Oil

Photo by Lily Allen
Olives and the oil pressed from them were dietary staples in the regions of the Middle East that Jesus frequented.

Photo by Jenny Georgieva
Once, Jesus was hungry. He saw a fig tree and went to it. Unfortunately, figs were not in season, so there were none on the tree. Jesus cursed the tree so that it would never bear fruit again. It’s okay, Jesus, we all get a little hangry sometimes.

Photo by Rachael Piorko
One revolutionary aspect of Jesus’ life was his tendency to dine with sinners (and hang out with them, in general). What would these scummy people serve him? Probably whatever food everyone was eating back then, which included dishes made from legumes like lentils, beans, and chickpeas.

Photo by Lauren Thiersch
As he observed the Passover, Jesus likely consumed lamb, which is a traditional Passover food. Learn more about Passover foods here.

Photo by Nadia Alayoubi
Israel is biblically referred to as a land flowing with milk and honey. While those foods were not literally running through the streets, honey (and sheep/goat’s milk) were common foods in biblical Israel.
Based on where he ran around during his time as a man, ya boy also probably ate a variety of fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts, cheeses (sheep or goat), and (kosher) meats.