Does your heart skip a beat every time you dip a crisp carrot stick into a big tub of smooth, creamy, tangy hummus? You’re not alone.
Hummus is the heartthrob of our generation, stealing the hearts of people around the world in a whirlwind of olive oil and tahini. You probably find it hard to imagine a life without hummus, let alone a day without hummus.
Here are some signs that you and hummus have taken your relationship to the next level.
1. You have no shame for your love of hummus.

Courtesy of
Your family, friends, teachers and bosses all know that you are madly in love with hummus—there’s no hiding something so beautiful and so true.
2. When you first looked at the gif above, all you saw was a chickpea with giant eyes and a tiny hat.

Photo by Parisa Soraya
I love you too, chickpea.
3. It is not uncommon for you to consume an entire tub of hummus in one sitting.

Photo by Annie Eng
You know that horrifying moment when you suddenly look down and realize all the hummus is gone all too well.
4. When you see a chickpea, all you see is untapped potential.

Courtesy of gif
Why are you still a chickpea when you could be so much more?
5. You dream of hummus.

Photo by Kim Buesser
There just aren’t enough hours of daylight.
6. You know the statistics.

Photo by Sterling Martin
You know which brands have the most ounces of hummus per container for the best price, and you will gladly battle with anyone who challenges your knowledge.
7. The Sabra recall crushed you like a food processor crushes chickpeas.

Courtesy of
8. It’s an open relationship—you’re always willing to try new flavors.

Photo by Parisa Soraya
You have a lot of love and you just want to spread it around like you spread hummus on your sandwich. Or on your face.
9. You dip veggies in hummus.

Photo by Keni Lin
10. You dip pita in hummus.

Photo by Dina Zaret
Who doesn’t?
11. You dip chips in hummus.

Photo by Bari Blanga
Bring on the crisp.
12. You dip crackers in hummus.

Photo by Parisa Soraya
13. You dip chickpeas in hummus.

Photo by Kendra Valkema
It’s like a family reunion.
14. You dip hummus in hummus.

Photo by Paige Twombly
Again, who doesn’t?
15. You hate hummus haters.

courtesy of
16. You write songs about hummus.

Photo by Nina Lincoff
But you might not admit it to anyone—you’re a misunderstood artist for sure.
17. Hummus is the first thing on your mind every morning and last thing on your mind before you sleep.

Photo by Dena Zaret
Are you a track star? Because you’ve been running through my mind.
18. You’re totally cool with putting hummus on your face.

Photo courtesy of
You know that what’s good for your soul has to be good for your skin, too.
19. If there is hummus at a party, your friends know not to disturb you.

Photo by Casey Carr
They know you tend to get angry if someone interrupts your time with hummus. They don’t even think about asking you to share.
20. You usually bring the hummus to the parties, just to be safe.

Courtesy of
What’s a party without hummus?
21. Your sweat smells like tahini.

Photo by Kendra Valkema
You consume so much hummus that it clogs your pores and can only be released as deliciously-scented sweat.
22. You serenade your hummus before you eat it.

Photo by Kendra Valkema
“Oh oh oh, sweet hummus of mine.”
23. You order hummus as your entire entrée at restaurants…

Photo courtesy of Philadelphia Magazine
No shame.
24. Because you know hummus is a major food group.

Photo by Krysten Dorfman
Hummus is part of a complete balanced diet, kids.
25. Every day at 11:11, on every birthday and at every wishing well you wish for the oceans to turn into hummus.

Courtesy of
You’re pretty disappointed with your success rate so far, though. But you will never, ever stop wishing. Perseverance is key.