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DIY Holiday Scrubs

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at PearlAcademy chapter.

Fighting a never ending crowd for the last cute sweater on sale, coming back home to batches of unbaked cookie dough everywhere, tons of presents stacked up for gift wrapping and to top it off, the sound of your pet Chihuahua chewing on that adorable ginger bread house you spent a lifetime decorating. It’s a week before Christmas and the holiday jitters must be taking full swing. Look yourself in the mirror and take a deep breath to cut the crazy. Indulge in the guilty pleasure of pampering yourself with some ‘DIY Holiday Scrubs’ to nail that X-mas glow  just in time, when Santa Claus climbs down the Chimney.

1) Homemade Honey and Cinnamon Scrub

Are you on a war with Hormonal acne? Worry not! We have a quick fix for those bothersome red bumps. Mix 1/4 tsp Cinnamon in 1 tbsp of organic Honey and gently apply over the infected area (lower jawline). Massage in circular motion for a few seconds. After 15 minutes wash off the scrub and repeat for 3- 4 days. You’ll see the difference.

Cinnamon : Natural Acne treatment, Antiseptic, cleanses pores.

Honey : Naturally antibacterial, good for Acne, slows down aging, contains antioxidants

2) Soothing Oatmeal Mask and Aloe Vera

Using basic ingredients from your pantry to whip up a mask which actually works wonders is a true Christmas miracle! Don’t you agree? Mix equal portions of oat meal and yogurt. Apply and rinse after 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, moisturize your face with fresh aloe Vera gel.

Oat meal : Softens skin, natural moisturizer, cleansing property, natural remedy for itchy skin and acne.

Yogurt : Reduces, fine lines, wrinkles, tightens pores

Aloe Vera : Reduces acne, fights wrinkles.

3) Pepper Glow Scrub

Last minute dinner plans? Then this is the ideal scrub for you.This easy acne remedy with Black pepper and curd brings an instant glow to your face in just 5-7 minutes. Mix one tablespoon of black pepper powder with curd to make a thick paste. Let it dry and wash it off.

Yogurt : Anti inflammatory properties, hydrates skin, removes dead skin cells.

Pepper : Increases blood circulation and exfoliates skin.

4) Golden Spice Scrub

Treat your self to this royal beauty hack just once in a week for super smooth skin. Mix milk cream (cow milk) with 1/4 tsp turmeric and lemon juice to form a creamy mixture. Wash off once dried.

Milk Cream : Natural moisturizer and improves elasticity of skin.

Turmeric : helps remove scars and clears up face

lemon : helps remove blackheads and excess oil

5) Frozen Papaya Scrub

This is another quick scrub which you can store in your freezer for a long time. Yes, you read that right! Blend ripe papaya and pour into an ice cube tray. Defrost the frozen papaya cubes and mix with honey. Apply the scrub, massage, relax for 15- 20 minutes then rinse off with several splashes of water.

Honey : Moisturizing, opens up pores making it easier to unclog.

Papaya : Clears pigmentation, controls acne breakouts, removes tan.

When your on your tip toes busy gifting others, this year save some holiday spirit to gift yourself FLAWLESS SKIN!


Megna Santhosh

PearlAcademy '18

Hailing from the Coconut Fringed Lagoons of the Arabian sea, my immaculate love for Seafood is unconditional ! K-pop and Ramen addict. Red-Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting is all I day dream about.