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Meal Prepping Done Right

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Pace Westchester chapter.

If you’re unfamiliar with meal prepping, it’s a way to plan out your meals for the week. Many people will dedicate time on a weekend day, (typically Sunday), to make food they want to eat that week, and then store it in containers for easy access. However, if that sounds monotonous and time consuming, or you’re simply just lazy, (#college), I have good news for you.

While doing my nightly scrolling through Instagram, I came across a photo of a savory looking meal (sesame chicken with beans and mashed potatoes to be precise). Naturally, I clicked on it, and it brought me to the prepLIFE account page. I immediately realized I stumbled upon something genius: a company that meal preps for you.

Now, being someone who has never had the urge to meal prep,  I’m delighted knowing I will never have to. It always seemed appealing, I just never wanted to put the work in, and if you’re anything like me, or you’re just trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, I suggest you consider what the co-founder of prepLIFE, Kevin Pascual, had to tell me about his company.  

1. What Exactly Is prepLIFE?

You already know that prepLIFE is doing the meal prepping for you, but you’re probably wondering how it’s done. The company prides themselves on their fresh, highly calculated, and healthy ingredients. Each meal they create has a certain number of calories, carbs, protein etc., and is designed to provide the consumer with the nutrition they need. In addition, prepLIFE can link you to a nutritionist to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your food.

2. How Did It Start?

A shared passion for health is where prepLIFE’s story began. Two, long-time friends, Kevin Pascual and Keith Perez, would frequently meet up to go to the gym together. One day, (post-workout), Pascual and Perez were grabbing food when the idea for prepLIFE hit them. What began as an e-commerce company out of Pascual’s house, has since transitioned to a business that sells over 1000 meals per week. The coolest part? They’re both under 30. #Goals.

3. How Do I Get prepLIFE?

So, I have some potentially bad news: PrepLIFE is based in Upland, CA. For those of you who live close enough, this is a blessing. You can stop by the store, and pick up a meal, (they sell shakes too), or you can take advantage of prepLIFE’s local delivery service. For the rest of us, we’re just going to have to fly to sunny California (things could be worse).

4. What’s Next?

Realistically, Cali is not an option for us broke college folk, but luckily, prepLIFE is looking to expand. Ideally, the company wants to franchise. Their vision is to function like a Chipotle; that means assembly line, made-to-order meals, all for a decent price. So, although we will have to be patient, good things are coming our way

If meal prepping wasn’t your “thing” before, it should certainly be now. The excuses of being too lazy or too busy simply won’t suffice any longer. PrepLIFE dedicates its time to taking care of you, so that you cannot only lead a healthy life, but do so without worrying about what to put on the table (and who doesn’t want that?).

Anna Palazzi

Pace Westchester '18

Just your average food lover