One of the quickest ways to empty your wallet is to allow your drunken self to make financial decisions. Have fun on a night out — but try to avoid greasy binges, over drinking, a big bill and an expensive cab ride home in order to save money at the bar.
An easy way to save money at the bar is to not drink at all, because life is still good without booze. Let your liver begin to heal itself and you may notice healthier skin, not to mention you might save some calories. But if that’s not an option, here are a few ways to save money at the bar.
1. Eat Before You Go

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Before hitting up the bar eat a large meal (with carbs) so you don’t need to order food at the bar. You know you have that one friend that has to order food everywhere you go, so be sure to eat up before heading out so you’re not that guy.
2. Pregame Is Everything

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Basically, start drinking before you go out so you can save money on drinks. This underrated past time will save you some big bucks. Get together with friends and have your own party before the party.
3. Find a DD

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Pick a friend to be a designated driver and then take turns the next time you go out. A few drinks may not seem so bad on your wallet, but once you see your $30.00 Uber bill, you’ll wish you had a friend drive.
4. Avoid Cover Charges

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Covers can range from $5-20+ dollars and are a way for the bar to make extra money. Usually, there are covers when the bar has a live band, but many bars are free, so choose wisely.
5. Pay With Cash

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If you only bring a certain amount of cash with you, then you won’t be tempted to whip out your debit card after a few drinks. Set out a budget of how much you want to spend for the night and only bring cash.
6. Make It a Double

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This simply means two shots of liquor in one drink. Ordering a double seems more expensive, but really, it has double the alcohol content for way less than the price of two drinks.
7. This Round is Not on You

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Although buying a round of drinks for your buddies sounds like a good idea, it’s not if you’re tryna save. Don’t worry, they’ll forgive you. If each shot is $5, you could potentially save $25 by not ordering a round of drinks. BOOM. Savings.
8. Buy in Bulk

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Buying pitchers of cocktails or beer can lead to big savings compared to individual drinks. Not a fan of beer? Try a margarita pitcher.
9. Prep for Late Night Munchies

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You survived the bar with a little money left over — don’t let after bar snacks blow your budget. Prepare your snacks beforehand and leave them in the fridge for later.