The ever famous shish-kabob. The popsicle. The corn dog. Don’t even get us started on fair foods. Those oil-drenched, beer battered events are broad umbrellas of opportunity for the inner fatass in all of us.
From the backyard barbecue to the greasiest corners of carousal, all these foods seem to have a common theme… they’re all on a stick.
This glorious mode of eating is bound to brighten your day and get that smile on your face. Here are 5 reasons why eating food on a stick can make your life just a little bit better.
1. No hands.

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Okay while yes, you are technically holding the said stick, you don’t have to use any extra utensils or knife or messy your hands as a middle man to get to your food. Just my shiny teeth and me.
2. Almost instantaneous gratification.

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Straight by the fire, no extra work required. Just put it on the stick and put ‘er in there. Boom. Done.
Marshmallows, hot dogs, kebobs are great examples (plus the smoke adds all that extra flavor). If you’re not feeling savory, the fridge or pantry are great houses for orangesicles or lollipops for a sweet tooth.
3. You can fry everything on a stick.

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Fried pickles, fried meatballs, snickers, koolaid, butter, what have you. All that and more than you can imagine can be battered and fried on a stick. What’s better than that?
4. Likewise, you can put everything on a stick.

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And I mean, everything. Plus, it adds a certain crème-de-la-crème factor when you add “on a stick” to the name, don’t you think?
5. Capt’n Jack Sparrow

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You’re lying through your teeth if you’ve said you never had a sword fight with your best friend or sibling after licking through a cold popsicle or finishing a corn dog.
What’s a better reason to eat things off a stick if not to swish it through the air like Jack does when he’s being a cheeky bastard? A little rum wouldn’t hurt either.
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