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10 Celebrities Who Have Spoken Up About Domestic Violence

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Ole Miss chapter.

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, more than 10 million Americans are victims of physical violence each year. Whether firsthand or secondhand, each of these celebrities have experiences with domestic violence and have spoken about them. Here’s what they have to say: 

1. Rihanna

Rihanna is one of the most unforgettable domestic violence survivors. Vanity Fair asked Rihanna if she thought she would always be a ‘poster child’ for victims of domestic abuse. To this question, Rihanna honestly replied, “It’s in the past, and I don’t want to ‘get over it,’ because it’s a very serious thing that is still relevant; it’s still real. A lot of women, a lot of young girls, are still going through it. A lot of young boys, too. It’s not a subject to sweep under the rug, so I can’t just dismiss it like it wasn’t anything.”

2. Ian Somerhalder

Just when you thought that Ian Somerhalder couldn’t be more perfect, you find out that he speaks out against domestic violence against women. He spoke out, saying, “I wanted to take part in this campaign [Women’s Aid UK’s 2011 “The Real Man” campaign] because it’s so easy to forget the many women who live their lives in fear because of domestic violence. Men have an important role to play in sending out the message that real men do not hurt or abuse their partners.” 

3. Reese Witherspoon

This sweet Southern Belle isn’t afraid to speak up against things that matter. She told ABC News, “I think we all know people who have been touched by domestic violence in our lives, whether it’s your mother, your sister, or your girlfriend. I personally know many people who have dealt with the situation, and I think it’s important to stress that there are ways to talk about it.” 

Witherspoon even had an open conversation with her children, ages 12 and 9, about the topic. People explains Witherspoon and her children have talked about the Chris Brown and Rihanna case from 2009. Reese Witherspoon commented, “My daughter knows what happens. My son knows as well. We talk about what is abuse. I think it’s important to talk to our daughters—and our sons—in order to educate them at an early age about what’s appropriate and what is absolutely not acceptable.”

4. Halle Berry 

For years, Halle Berry watched her mother fall victim to domestic violence. Berry said, “I saw my mother battered and beaten many years of my life and I felt helpless. And that’s what connects me to this organization [the Jenesse Center, a national domestic violence prevention and intervention organization].”

“I have an understanding, a knowing. I feel like I have something that I can impart to these women. It seems like I’ve overcome it, but I really haven’t. In the quiet of my mind, I still struggle. So, while I’m helping these women, I’m helping myself through it, too. And that’s largely while I’m here.” 

It was 1996 when Halle Berry experienced domestic violence firsthand. Berry claimed that a boyfriend had hit her so hard that her left eardrum had been punctured and she had lost 80% of hearing in her ear.  

5. Christina Aguilera

Pop Princess Christina Aguilera has written several songs about her childhood and the domestic abuse that came from her father. In her song “I’m OK” that was released in 2002, Christina sings, “It hurt me to see the pain across my mother’s face every time my father’s fist would put her in her place.” 

She told Us Weekly, “It is a hush, hush subject. Not everybody likes to wear it on their sleeve and talk about it. It makes people uncomfortable, and there’s a lot of shame around it. But that’s why for me, it’s so important for me to speak my truth and help others find theirs and to find their own hope in a hopeless situation.” 

6. Tina Turner

It’s no secret that Tina Turner is a survivor of the domestic violence that came from her husband, Ike. In an interview with The Daily Beast, Ike Turner said, “Yeah, I hit her, but I didn’t hit her more than an average guy beats his wife. The truth is, our life was no different from the guy next door’s. It’s been exaggerated. People buy bad news, dirty news. If she says I abused her, maybe I did.” Sorry, Mr. Turner, I don’t think that’s actually how marriage is supposed to work.  

Ike also made her change her name to Tina Turner so that he could always own her. Tina Turner told Oprah, “I never put a lot of praise on myself because of my relationship with Ike. I was just happy when I started to like myself—when I divorced and took control of my life.” 

7. Kerry Washington

While the “Scandal” star doesn’t have firsthand experience with domestic violence, she still speaks out for those who have. She even designed a purple purse to benefit domestic violence victims.  

In an interview with CNN, Kerry Washington told people in an abusive relationship, “The most important thing to know is there is a way out. That there is a way to learn how to become financially self-supporting and take care of yourself so that you can make decisions for yourself that are empowering.”  

8. Patrick Stewart 

Our favorite “Star Trek” captain grew up with an abusive father. Today released an article with a quote from Mr. Stewart saying, “As a child, I heard in my home doctors and ambulance men say, ‘Mrs. Stewart you must have done something to provoke him,’ ‘Mrs. Stewart, it takes two to make an argument.’ Wrong! WRONG! My mother did nothing to provoke that, and even if she had, violence is never ever a choice that a man should make. Ever!” 


9. Amber Heard 

In 2016, Amber Heard, whose abuse accusations against Johnny Depp shook up headlines, teamed up with the #GirlGlazeProject and created a heartfelt public service announcement about domestic violence. In the video, she says, “As a woman having gone through this in the public stage, in the public arena that I did it in, I have a unique opportunity to remind other women that this doesn’t have to be the way it is. You don’t have to do it alone. You’re not alone, and we can change this.” 

She also encourages survivors to, “Speak up, speak up. Raise your voice, your voice is the most powerful thing, and we, together, as women standing shoulder to shoulder cannot and will not any longer accept silence.”

10. Katy Perry

In 2015, Katy Perry dedicated her Grammy performance to survivors of domestic violence. Before her performance, she was introduced by domestic abuse survivor, Brooke Axtell. Axtell said, “Authentic love does not devalue another human being. Authentic love does not silence, shame, or abuse. If you are in a relationship with someone who does not honor or respect you, I want you to know that you are worthy of love.”

For more information on domestic abuse or to get help for yourself/someone you love, visit the website for The National Domestic Violence Hotline or call 1-800-799-7233.   

Remote Intern for Spoon HQ.