In an age where we’re constantly using Snapchat or text messaging, we find it easiest to express ourselves through emojis or hashtags. But what about for those times when we’re with our friends and a simple “I’m starving” is just not good enough? Here are some food-inspired slang words and phrases that will have you feeling sophisticated, not to mention as cool as a cucumber.
Quiche (adj.)

Photo by Veronique Huynh
Used to describe someone who is hotter than hot.
“OMG Ryan Bradley is so, totally Quiche.”
Egg McMuffin (adj.)

Photo by Daniel Acker
The best of its kind, not to be outdone by any other example of a similar thing.
“That was the Egg McMuffin of avocado toast, dude!”
Meatloaf (v.)

Photo by Kathleen Lee
As sang by the musical artist Meat Loaf, to “do anything for love.”
“I meatloaffed my way through Trader Joe’s to that glorious shelf of Cookie Butter.”
Lettuce (n.)
The flow; incredibly luscious hair.
“Check out that bro’s lettuce, mad flow.”
Egg Salad (n.)

Photo by Justin Shannin
Opposite of a sausage fest; a social activity or occasion comprised of predominately girls.
“What party needs boys when you can have an Egg Salad of your own?”
PSL (n.)

Photo by Lindsey Law
Pumpkin Spiced Latte. Duh.
“Why does Starbucks only offer PSL during the fall? Not okay.”
Cake Eater (n.)

Photo by Domenica Garcia
Rich suburban kids who can have their cake and eat it too.
“Look at him take his Ferrari for a drive… what a cake eater.”
Dessertivore (n.)

Photo by Hunter Siegrist
A person who’s diet only consists of desserts.
“I became a dessertivore so that dessert would never have to be last in a meal.”
Dorito Damage (v.)

Photo by Jenny Georgieva
To wound the inside of one’s mouth with the sharp points of a Dorito chip or any other mouth-shredding snacks.
“Ouch! I ate that sharp chip too fast; it did some serious Dorito damage to the roof of my mouth.”
HAM (adj.)

Photo by Bernard Wen
Acronym for Hard As a Motherf**ker.
“Finally done with midterms! Let’s go HAM this weekend!”
Ramen Budget (n.)

Photo by Giovanni Crystal
A euphemism for being poor (at $0.10/pack, ramen is considered the single cheapest meal a human can consume).
“The reality of being a college kid on a ramen budget is just too real.”
Granola (adj.)

Photo by Maggie Harriman
Used to describe people who are environmentally aware, with an organic and natural emphasis on living, and who will usually refrain from eating anything containing animals or animal by-products.
“All she wants to do is go hiking, and she brings her hammock with her everywhere she goes! She’s so granola.”