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Over Not-So Easy

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at NYC chapter.

Oh, you can have eggs so many ways. Whether they’re scrambled or sunny side up, eggs are easy and delectable, and they are appropriate for eating any time of day. However, some styles of egg are a little more difficult to master and can cause some unwanted frustration in the kitchen. Over-easy and over-medium eggs are particularly tricky, especially when it comes to flipping them on the skillet. And most of the time, the flipping problem stems from a problem of commitment. It’s that last second of hesitation that will turn your gorgeous eggs into a broken, unsalvageable mess. But worry no more. Here are some basics steps that will hopefully prevent you from performing egg triage on a hot skillet.

1. Make sure your pan or skillet is thoroughly buttered and on medium heat. If the eggs stick to the skillet, game over. You failed and your eggs are done for.


Photo by Kathleen Lee

2. Carefully crack two eggs into the skillet and try to prevent the whites from overlapping. Cook for about 2 minutes.


Photo by Kathleen Lee

3. Don’t jump the gun. Make sure the egg whites have cooked thoroughly. You should barely be able to see raw egg whites around the yolk.

4. Gently slip the spatula under the whites and make sure the eggs slide on the skillet and aren’t sticking. Now you have to really commit.


Photo by Kathleen Lee

5. Gracefully slide the spatula under the egg, but do it fast. Make sure the egg is resting completely on the spatula. Without hesitation, as closely to the pan as possible, flip the egg in one fluid motion. Cook for about a minute.

6. And finally, carefully slide spatula under the eggs, slip onto some toast, and enjoy!


Photo by Kathleen Lee

The secret is to not over-think it. Just remember to take your time and let the eggs get just firm enough to flip. And when you flip them, believe in yourself.


Photo by Kathleen Lee

Andy Thomas is a food critic, writer and author. He enjoys whiskey, red meat and good company. He lives in New York with his Australian Shepherd Fiona, who also happens to like human food.