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2020 12 30 21 48 38 413
2020 12 30 21 48 38 413

The Recipes I Tested this Winter Break that You Should Too

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Northeastern chapter.

Since the beginning of quarantine, I think it is safe to say that we have all gone through the banana bread stage. Although banana bread is tried and true, this winter break I decided to break out of my comfort zone and try out some new recipes. Some may look a little daunting, but I promise they are well worth the challenge. Keep reading for some fun recipes you will for sure be adding to your repertoire.

Focaccia Bread 

Hana Chalmers

As a novice bread maker, I was a bit discouraged at the thought of trying to make homemade focaccia bread. However, after reading the recipe I realized that although time consuming, the process was relatively simple. This focaccia bread is the perfect blend of a crispy crust and a soft bouncy texture on the inside. P.S. bread making is a great way to get out any residual anger from the week since you get to punch the dough a few times.

Salted Caramel Chocolate Tart

Hana Chalmers

This salted caramel chocolate tart was a hit with my family and I will definitely be making it again. Although I had a bit of a breakdown when trying to master the tart shell, I think the struggles are a part of what makes it so rewarding to eat.

Butter Chicken with Naan

Hana Chalmers

I promise this dish is sure to make your whole family come running to the kitchen to ask you what delicious meal you are cooking. The delicious aroma of spices floating throughout the house is sure to make you salivate as you wait for this butter chicken to cook. The best dishes are those that are simple with a great outcome and this dish is sure to meet that expectation.

Birria Tacos

Hana Chalmers

I wouldn’t be doing my fellow Gen Z-ers justice if I didn’t make these TikTok famous tacos. These tacos have been taking social media by storm and for good reason. The crispy taco shell paired with the luscious consomé that you dip it into is to die for. The satisfaction of eating these is well worth the 3 hours that you have to stew the meat for. I promise that if you make these, your friends and family will be begging for more.

St. Louis Gooey Butter Cake

Hana Chalmers

After trying this cake, I wish I was born in St. Louis so that I would have an excuse to eat this every single day. The yeasted cake dough is something I’ve never tried before, but I am glad I did since this may just be the most delicious cake I’ve ever had. Pro tip: if it looks undercooked, that just means more ooey-gooey deliciousness.

Note: The St. Louis Gooey Butter Cake recipe was taken from Claire Saffitz’ new cookbook, “Dessert Person”. I was unable to find a link online including her recipe but I highly recommend buying her book because it has some fantastic recipes!

Hana Chalmers

Northeastern '24