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Turning ‘Rest Days’ into ‘Mindful Days’

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Muhlenberg chapter.

We all know that exercising is good for us, but there are some days when it’s just too cold outside and our pajamas are simply too comfortable to change out of. On these days, our motivation along with our headphones, sneakers, and water bottle, are out of sight and out of mind. Here’s the truth about those “lazy” days: it’s totally normal. Health and fitness journeys are not linear and sometimes we need a break. If working out just isn’t an option for you today, know that there are alternative ways to stay healthy and feel guilt-free. Instead of labeling this as a “rest day” try calling it a “mindful day.”

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”- Buddha 

Start your morning off in the right state of mind

Right when you wake up, there is a quick moment of silence, serenity and stillness. There is no stress, no fear, no wishes or what ifs. This moment only lasts for a second or so before your mind starts racing about errands, to do’s, and worries about what lies ahead. With time, awareness and practice, you will learn to hold this state of mind for longer periods of time.

“The nicest thing for me is sleep, then at least I can dream.”- Marilyn Monroe

Be present

Before getting out of bed, try to capture this moment of stillness and focus your thoughts inward. Take a deep breath, and mentally scan your body to see how you’re feeling. Maybe you’ll notice you were tensing up in your sleep from a bad dream, or that you’re feeling extra rested. Slowly start to wake up the body with small movements, such as rolling your wrist and ankles, and moving your head from left to right. Allowing your body to wake up by giving it those few moments of peace before you start your busy day is so important but often forgotten.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart.”-Hellen Keller

Don’t skip any meals

You should not feel the need to eat less because you did not get to workout that day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and all the little snacks in between are all important to keep your mind and body in check. If you miss meals, you will trick your body into starvation mode. This means you will begin storing fat instead of burning it, ultimately slowing down your metabolism. So, make sure to fill up your plate with plenty of fruits and veggies. If you need some motivation, try to make the rainbow on your plate at each meal.

“If music be the food, of love play on.”- William Shakespeare

Do something that makes you happy

This is your day, take advantage of it. Make sure to do something that makes you happy. It could be as small as getting your favorite Starbucks drink, listening to your favorite song, or talking to someone who makes you laugh. Whatever it is, just do it! Fueling your body properly, allowing it to rest, and moving mindfully throughout your day takes practice. As days go on in your practice, these small things will come easier and more naturally. In order to find balance, you need to have a healthy mind, body, and soul.

“Keep your face always towards the sunshine-and the shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman

sydney kushel

Muhlenberg '21