Alcohol is expensive, and most college students spend more than they would like to admit on alcohol per weekend. Not to mention it can be easy to splurge extra cash on juices and sodas to make drinks taste better. However, a major plus of dining halls is their ability to save us money. You can make the following drinks using mixers available in most dining halls. So drink on! Responsibly, of course…

Photo by Rafael Hernandez
1. Chocolate Buzz

Photo by Rafael Hernandez
Ingredients: chocolate milk, vodka.
Directions: Fill a glass about half way full with chocolate milk. Then add your desired amount of vodka. If you are looking for a little extra energy and espresso flavor, top off your drink with coffee. If you are only looking for flavor but not the caffeine boost, decaf coffee will also compliment the chocolate.
2. Summer Daiquiri

Photo by Rafael Hernandez
Ingredients: Lime juice, sugar, water, rum.
Directions: This drink requires the preparation of a simple syrup, which is extremely easy to make. Fill a glass half way with water and microwave for one minute. Take the glass out of the microwave and fill the glass a quarter of the way full with sugar, then microwave for 45 more seconds.
Once you have made your simple syrup you can mix the lime, simple, syrup and rum in a glass until desired flavor is reached. This drink is especially delicious on a hot day, served with crushed ice.
#SpoonTip: Want to get fancy? Try this citrusy simple syrup recipe.
3. Gin and Seltzer with Lemon

Photo by Rafael Hernandez
Ingredients: Seltzer water, lemonade, gin, lemons.
Directions: Fill a cup 1/3 of the way full with seltzer water. Fill the next 1/3 of the cup with lemonade. Then add your desired amount of gin. You may need to adjust these measurements depending on your preference for sparkling or sweet. To make this drink even better, drop a few lemon slices in your cup to enhance the natural lemon flavor.
4. Ginger-Cran

Photo by Rafael Hernandez
Ingredients: Ginger ale, cranberry juice, vodka.
Directions: This is a twist on the delicious classic: cranberry vodka. Fill your cup 1/2 way full with cranberry juice, then add a few splashes of ginger ale to add sparkle and flavor. Add your desired amount of vodka and enjoy.
5. Mimosa

Photo by Rafael Hernandez
Ingredients: Orange juice, champagne.
Directions: This Sunday morning classic is mouth watering even on a Friday night. I find this beverage tastes best in a fancy glass, however a water bottle will do. You can adjust your orange juice:champagne ratio accordingly until the desired level of bubbly and fruity is reached.
#SpoonTip: Tired of mimosas? Check out these champagne cocktails that are equally as delicious.