You all probably have already heard of @TheNaughtyFork on Instagram, but if for some reason you haven’t, feel free to thank me later.
The Naughty Fork is a Miami food blog on the rise (way better than mine), which is run and operated by a young 21-year-old, Samantha Schnur, who never imagined TNF would grow into something so big. From starting her Instagram to launching her website, it’s safe to say that she is living a foodie’s dream.
Thankfully for me, the lovely face behind TNF went to my high school, so I reached out to her and got this dope interview to gain some insight on all things The Naughty Fork.
KC: How did TNF come about? And what made you want to start it?
TNF: Well it actually started at as OopsIAteItAgain (super lame), but then it became The Naughty Fork after a few weeks. Honestly, it started randomly one night when everyone else had gone out and I was supposed to be “studying.” Clearly, I didn’t get anything done that night. I look back on it all the time and laugh because at the time that test was the biggest concern in my life. Little did I know that me blowing off studying for Instagram would lead to a full-blown career. I also really enjoyed taking pictures of food, it was all over my personal Instagram. At first, my pictures were terrible, but I got better over time and it became a hobby.

Photo courtesy of @thenaughtyfork on
KC: What was it like running TNF in college?
TNF: It was the only way to breathe between organic chemistry and calculus. It was a huge stress reliever for me. Although when it did first start to grow, people expected me to post more often and at that point it was difficult for me to keep up with it. I started to repost other people’s pictures (with given credit, of course), but I HATED doing that. It caused me to lose interest in it, because the pictures weren’t a reflection of me. Once I came back for the summer, I started posting pictures only taken by me, and TNF grew like crazy.

Photo courtesy of @thenaughtyfork on
KC: How do you balance everything — friends, family, classes, etc.?
TNF: Well, I took the semester off this fall so I could pursue TNF as a career path while networking and meeting people in the industry, so I’ve had a lot of time on my hands. I go back to school in the spring to finish up, so we’ll see how everything goes then, but I’ve promised myself I wouldn’t fill up my schedule.
KC: HOW are you so fit while being surrounded by such mouth-watering eats? Seriously though, I think every person who’s seen you is wondering the exact same thing. (Check out her personal insta to see how hot she is)
TNF: Firstly, I DO NOT eat everything I post on Instagram. A lot of it is for viewer pleasure, not mine. I love eating a fat burger don’t get me wrong, but I also have many days where I eat acai bowls and drink green juices. It’s all about balance. I go out and have those late night Five Guys burgers with french fries, and then the next day I’ll eat semi-healthy. I also run every day. It’s something I love to do regularly. Lastly, when you’re around bad food all day, you start to become immune to it. You guys see a gooey, dripping chocolate s’more, but that’s just one frame of it. Right after, it becomes a huge mess in your hands. My boyfriend, brother and sister do most of the eating. I just like to try it all.

Photo courtesy of @thenaughtyfork on
KC: What’s your take on body image and health in Miami? Do you feel pressure to stay fit and lean? (I know I do)
TNF: OF COURSE. Who wouldn’t feel pressured in Miami? Everyone’s lean and beautiful, but it’s a lifestyle I’ve grown up surrounded by it, so I’m used to it. It’s probably the only place in the world (besides LA), where health food spots are more popular than burger spots. In the end, it’s good to eat healthy at times, but also important to indulge.
KC: What are your future plans for TNF?
TNF: If I told you, I’d have to kill ya ;). I have a product launching next year that I think people will LOVE to use. It’s different from the normal food related ideas and definitely something more personal. Like I said, the only way to make eating for free a career is to make money. Gotta make the parents happy! So, I have big plans that I think everyone will enjoy.

Photo courtesy of @thenaughtyfork on
KC: Do you have any last words/advice for anyone else pursuing a similar path?
TNF: Be original and take your own photos. There’s nothing more rewarding than growing something you know you did on your own.