Coffee. The early morning fuel expected to get college students through classes, activities, and the mountains of homework we face on a daily basis. Unfortunately, our school-fuel can also be a bit pricey. Currently, a 16-oz. cup of brewed coffee from Starbucks costs you $2.10. That’s $10.50 you’re spending if you drink just one cup a day, five days a week.
While many people consider this caffeine jolt a necessity, many forget about the awesome things you can do with coffee on your own without breaking the bank. Here are some creative and simple tricks to try out to change the way you think about coffee.
1. K-Cups FTW

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For the Keurig users, be sure you’re using a reusable pod. Pre-made K-Cups average about $0.95 per cup, but a reusable K-Cup pod uses coffee you can get from any grocery store. When you can buy a pound of coffee for about $6-$8, that averages to about $0.10 per cup… Make the switch.
2. Pre-Brewed Coffee With Ice, Ice Baby

Photo by Maggie Gorman
Iced coffee fans often worry about the extra time it takes to create their iced concoctions in the morning. The trick here is to brew your coffee, whether it be in a Keurig, a regular old coffee pot, or even a snazzy French press the night before. Once your coffee is brewed, just stick it in the fridge and forget about it until the morning. It’s a definite money saver and you’ll have a whole pot of coffee ready for you whenever you need.
3. Spicin’ It Up

Photo by Abigail Wilkins
For the specialty coffee lovers, using different spices is a great way to infuse your brew. Whether it be cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin spice, or even shaved chocolate, just mix it in with your coffee grounds before you brew it. This enhances different flavors, and it’s fun to experiment with all of coffee’s limitless potential.
4. Travel (Mug) in Style

Photo by Emily Moschowitz
For anyone brave enough to take their coffee outside of the comfort of their own home, invest in a reusable travel mug. You’ll need something to take your coffee with you, so this is kind of self-explanatory. Ranging from about $10-$20, this will save you money in the long run, and as a bonus it’s nicer on the planet (yay, planet Earth).
5. Get Rewarded

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And for anyone who can’t bear to get rid of the convenience that places like Starbucks provides, make sure you’re taking advantage of loyalty programs. Starbucks has a rewards program that includes free drinks, food, or discounts, along with many other places. Ask about a loyalty program wherever you get your coffee from.
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