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tn 2018 diet
tn 2018 diet

What does 2018 mean for your Diet and What Foods could help it?

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at MCLA chapter.

It’s finally here! After an entire year of going through political issues, friend drama, and tough classes, 2017 is finally over. People might be upset that the year is gone but personally to me, it just means a whole new year of adventures waiting to happening. Not knowing what’s about to come my way is worrying to say the least but with the goals I have in mind that I plan to achieve is something to look forward to. Though every year I have always been asked one certain question; What is your diet going to be for the new year?

What are you doing as far as your weight goes?


When stepping into a new year, people make goals for themselves that they want to achieve. One of the more popular goals to be set by people would be regarding their weight or eating habits. People will go the extra mile to answer the question of what your diet will be while in some cases trying to figure out how to please others with what they’re doing. This question always turned my brain into shambles when trying to figure out an answer. But as I “adult” and started to look at myself with this question in mind, I found myself taking a new mindset when it came to it and started giving one answer. 

“I am living for myself, not others.”

Being a plus sized woman takes a lot out of you. Constantly, I felt like I would have step up and try to please people so it’s not my body or weight that makes people remember me. For years, I thought that I needed to listen and follow every comment that I was given just so I could fit in with what people thought was ‘the right figure’. So at family gatherings or with my friends, I would would ask them what their diet was and ask them for advice for  what my diet should be if I decided on doing a diet.

“Make your body your own.”

You should not feel like you have to follow anyone or try to please other people. What your diet should be is something that you personally want to do for yourself. Going through Junior High, High School, and now College, I discovered that what you do for your body is up to you. There are some cases where you don’t have a choice and you have to change but it does not mean you have to be chained down. Take control of your body and you will feel free. I may big and some people will judge me as person because of it but being bigger then most just makes me more unique. 

 For those adventurous to want to to try to put together a diet of their own but not knowing where to start, Here are some foods that at first you may not even know are good for you but it will help make your diet your own.

1. Almonds

food waste nut almond
Torey Walsh

Being among the nut family, almonds are definitely something that people will recognize as being used in certain dishes like desserts. One thing however that almonds are known to be would be a food that is “good for your heart.” 

Almonds are packed vitamin E, which helps with making sure that your cholesterol levels are all set and not crazy. A study conducted at Loma Linda University concluded that almonds could also help with stop of weight gaining while also providing the protein and fibers that one would need, which makes almonds a great snack alternative for your diet.

2. Artichokes

jewish food artichoke vegetable
Natsuko Mazany

For your diet, vegetables should not be something that to be forgotten. Not much of a childhood favorite but as we grow older as adults we tend to find a liking towards some vegetables, in this case the artichoke. Served as a dip or as a whole, artichokes have always brought their health value to their dishes.

This body friendly veggie is covered in leaves but filled with so much nutrition that it could lead to saving your body.  Artichokes are filled with Vitamin C and potassium, which are two things that for your body could use to regulate your blood pressure and could decrease your chance of getting breast cancer. As an extra fun fact, artichokes leaves have become a great morning snack for after partying since artichokes can help with lowering the toxin levels in your blood so it can help with a hangover.

3. Cinnamo

thanksgiving cocktails cinnamon cookie
Natalie Rodriguez

The holiday season is where we see cinnamon used the most especially for hot cocoa or desserts as a supporting ingredient. But what would cinnamon do if it was apart of your diet?

With being a spice, some will say that it does not have a right to be considered a food that could help you. In reality, Cinnamon has a lot of properties that can help your body. In cinnamon, there are anti-oxidants that can help with your body if its suffering from inflammation that could leave your body with diseases. Cinnamon could just be another spice in your cabinet but by putting this healthy spice to good use could mean a whole difference to your body.

4. Quinoa

pumpkin recipes wheat cereal
Christin Urso

Finding Gluten-free alternatives for your diet is quite difficult while also trying to find foods that bring the flavor as well. Quinoa is one of those foods that by adding other ingredients to it will only make it more memorable. Being just harvested seeds, Quinoa brings not just an interesting texture but also nutritional facts. 

It’s important to recognize just how much quinoa is different from any other food. It’s a rare food since it’s one of the only foods in the world that has all nine amino acid. Not only that but quinoa is one of the foods where at first it may look boring but with being filled with calcium, iron, fiber, and other minerals that are important to your body. 

5.  Peaches

nectarine vs peach peach pasture
Sarah Strohl

It’s always good to incorporate fruit into your diet. Whether it’s citrus or a berry, fruit is something that is always a good source of vitamins. Peaches are known for being a stone fruit, a fruit that has a large seed inside it, placing it in a special category with Plums and nectarines. 

Originating in China, Peaches have grown to be a popular  summer fruit that will help lower any risk of heart disease along with fighting against any damage on your skin from the sun. The most noticeable benefit of peaches was from a study from Texas A&M, in which showing that stone fruits such as peaches have noted to help fight against diabetes and other obesity-related diseases. So this is not just the famed fuzzy fruit of the world but as well as a great fighter-food. 

No matter who you are or where you come from, it’s important to enter the new year with a mindset knowing that you are free to express yourself in any way you want. It’s your body, make it something of your own and that you know is beautiful. What your diet should not be something you feel like you have to do, a new year means a new you but a you that you feel on top of the world and free. 

I am currently a Junior at MCLA and one who is originally from Jersey. Baking is more in my department but that won't stop me from trying to cook a meal.