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Next Time You Crave Italian Pizza, Magpie Pizzeria is the Place to Hit Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at McGill chapter.

**Insert rant about North American Pizza Below**

Where do I even begin? Why order Dominos or Papa Johns or McGill Pizza (you know who you are) when you can get amazing, authentic, Italian pizza delivered right to your door? What is there to love about a flavourless crust that’s beyond chewy, stringy bland cheese, and less than average toppings?

Luckily, at Magpie Pizzeria, none of the above is true. I was absolutely blown away by everything, from the impeccable service, to the phenomenal food, and the fantastic environment. And yes, your dreams have come true as Magpie Pizzeria is now available to order via Foodora.

The Ambience

Magpie Pizzeria at Amherst has pretty much everything you would want in an Italian pizzeria— a killer bar, friendly staff, a sick wood fire oven, and, of course, impeccable Italian chefs. Located just off of Beaudry station, Magpie may be outside the McGill bubble, but is well worth the “trek” (let’s be honest -it’s not all that far).

Unfortunately, I was so excited to eat that I completely forgot about taking a photo of the amazing decor. But… Here’s a photo of the deliciousness that awaits you at Magpie.


Photo by Helena Lin

The Food

Of course what is most important about any restaurant is the food, and all I can do is rave about the food at Magpie. To kick the night off, I had their Kale Salad.


Photo by Helena Lin

Let’s be real, kale isn’t necessarily all it’s chalked up to be. Yes, it may be nutrient dense and full of fibre, but it’s not always the most enjoyable vegetable to eat. However, this salad redeemed kale for me. Dressed with fresh ricotta, pecans, julienned apples and a perfectly poached egg, this salad was not only gorgeous to look at, but the flavours married together beautifully.


Photo by Helena Lin

Next I tried the Bianca— a white pizza topped with roasted garlic, spicy Capicollo ham, cherry tomatoes, bocconcini and fine herbs. Need I say more? The fresh vibrant flavours of the cherry tomatoes and fine herbs perfectly balance the richness of the roasted garlic and spicy ham.


Photo by Helena Lin

Now this pizza was definitely fascinating to me. Sausage, mozzarella, blue cheese, roasted red peppers, red onion, and fresh oregano over a tomato sauce. I was a bit apprehensive at first, because I’m not the biggest blue cheese fan. However, the balance of salt, creamy mozzarella and funky blue cheese was quite delightful.


Photo by Helena Lin

With an ever so light marscapone cream, espresso liquor soaked lady fingers, a generous dose of cocoa powder and espresso bean chocolate bark, is there more one could ask for? That tiramisu was down right heaven.

The Verdict

Not only is Magpie Pizzeria an all around cool place to hang out, the food is phenomenal and the staff are amazing. Magpie is also starting live music during the summer so be sure to stay tuned on their Facebook page for days they have live music in house. Ultimately what sets Magpie apart from other pizzerias in Montreal is the passion and authenticity they deliver by creating mouth watering food.

Helena Lin

McGill '17

Helena is in her final year studying Psychology at McGill. When not in school (which is as much as possible), you can find Helena recipe testing or exploring new cafes and restaurants in Montreal. Currently, Helena is also studying French cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu and is a food photographer for Foodora. "Some eat to survive, I survive to eat" - Helena Lin