Before entering first year, I had a vague idea of the what the work load would be like. Now, after just over a semester of grinding through engineering, I can fully appreciate the importance of a great study spot. One of the most significant things I’ve learned is that no matter how quaint or peaceful your current study place is, variation can be just as vital to being productive.

Photo Courtesy of @anticafemontreal on Instagram
To maintain that smidgen of sanity you have left this semester, change up your daily routine and drop by Anticafe, Montreal’s new open space for hot bevvies, treats, studying, and socializing. The place boasts two floors of apartment space, complete with vintage furniture and floor to ceiling windows. Snag a spot on a stool at the windows, on one of their many couches, or settle at a dining room table. Finally, you can spread all of your books and notes out.
The best part? The endless array of cookies and snacks and coffee are free. The establishment is able to run their business, because you essentially pay for rent. For the whole day, it’s $9. That means you can pop in at 10am when they open, and saunter out at closing (11:30pm). It’s like a coffeehouse that doesn’t give you dirty looks after you’ve been there for 2 or 3 or 5 (*ahem*) hours. You’re also completely welcome to bring your own food, or invite your friends.

Photo Courtesy of @anticafemontreal on Instagram
If the main rooms get noisy, simply pop into one of the bedrooms. There, you can work at a large table with your latte and biscuits and you can close the door.
The last time I was there, the hostess came around with mini peanut butter and jelly sandwiches -a welcome treat on hour number 5 of study. A little later, she came by with little teacups, offering their house made chai. Bliss.
So next time you’re on the bottom floor of Redpath staring at a wall, consider walking 10 minutes down to St. Catherine for a slice of much-awaited comfort and productivity. You deserve it.