Some might consider it an understatement to say that McGill University students are obsessed with samosas. In recent years, samosas sales have escalated in popularity and have become a staple of campus culture. So here are 7 reasons why McGill students love their samosas and aren’t afraid to brag about them.
1. They’re Dirt Cheap

Photo courtesy of Felipe Aranguren
Three for two samosas is possibly the best deal on campus since RVC’s discounted yogurt. Unless your’e planning on standing in line at Midnight Kitchen, a deliciously modest meal of samosas is the cheapest lunch option on campus and the best value for your toonie.
2. You Can Grab Them On The Go

Photo by Amanda Damon
On just about any given weekday, multiple samosa sales can be found taking place all over campus. There’s even a Facebook page called “Samosa Sales” dedicated to keeping students updated on the locations of ongoing samosa sales on campus. If you have back to back classes that run through lunch, the samosas are here for you.
3. They Help Support Student Organizations

Photo by Helena Lin
Allegedly started by the McGill Cricket club as a fundraising tactic, the samosa sales have replaced the stereotypical bake sale as the best way to help support student run clubs and organizations. Despite the low price, the samosas for sale are purchased in bulk, usually from Pushap on Rue Pare, allowing fundraising groups to earn anywhere from 140-250% profit at a sale. Stuffing your face has never been more charitable.
4. The Aesthetic

Photo by Helena Lin
Many students commented on how they particularly like the way the samosas are sold – out of large cardboard boxes where buyers can grab their purchase from a large heap of warm pastries. One student described it as a “lowkey, approachable business style”, while another remarked on how they enjoyed the “quirky but casual ambiance” of the samosa sales.
5. They Can Turn Any Day Around

Photo courtesy of Rockey Chen
Samosas are the ultimate comfort food; one student claimed that buying and eating samosas make them “content and pleased with the direction my life is going in”. On the flip side, more than one student has said that their day has been ruined on more than one occasion when they have shown up to a samosa sale, only to find that they’re sold out.
6. They’re F*ing Good

Photo by Helena Lin
The samosas you see on campus might not look gourmet, but do not underestimate these warm, flaky pastries. Stuffed with potatoes and spices with sauce on the side, the samosas on campus have been known to induce drooling on more than one occasion.
7. The Heath Benefits

Photo courtesy of Nancy He
While it might be considered a stretch to consider samosas to be a particularly healthy snack, most students agreed that the vegetarian samosas sold on campus contribute to maintaining mental health and sanity-especially during exams. Additionally, one student astutely observed how spicy samosas do an excellent job of clearing out your sinuses, especially during McPlague season.