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These University Of Maryland Students Started A Meal Prep Company For Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Maryland chapter.

We all have once felt the longing for a good home cooked meal, but it’s often hard to find the time, let alone the skill set, to cook during a busy semester. Ariana and Sophie, two UMD students, started Prep’t, a small, women-owned food business designed to provide meal prep for fellow students. Their Instagram (@prepttogo) features their menu, some of their delicious meal prep options, directions on how it works, and a catchy slogan: “students who love to cook for students who love to eat.” A meal feels more like home when you know it’s coming from the heart. Hear more from the owners of Prep’t, and learn more about how they got started and their presence at UMD in this video feature:

Interested in trying out Prep’t? Visit their online menu or Instagram to decide what you want to try, learn how to order and pick up your food, and meet the chefs! From Feta Orzo salad to Mapled Dark Chocolate Banana Bread, their menu has you covered for healthy snacks, sweet treats and everything in between. They also have multiple dairy-free and gluten-free options. 

After placing your order through Prep’t Instagram or email (prepttogo@gmail.com), allow 1-3 days for pickup and you will receive a confirmation on a pickup time and place. Payments is accepted via Venmo once the order is confirmed. You can also follow both Sophie (@sliceofsophie) and Ariana’s (@eatsofariana) cooking Instagram accounts to get more meal prep and recipe inspo.

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Sofie Paternite

Maryland '25

My name is Sofia (Sofie) Paternite, and I am a sophomore journalism major in the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland. I am originally from South Orange, NJ, and am now located in Hell’s Kitchen, New York City. I play on the Club Field Hockey Team here at UMD and am also a part of Greek life.