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5 Snacks You May Not Have Heard Of That Will Save Your Exam Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Maryland chapter.

 Most college students would probably tell you that exam season is probably the hardest time of the semester. Many college students have to study for hours on end, which can become very tedious. If you’re tired of eating fruit and granola bars, keep reading – here are some of my top picks for fun and exciting snacks you may not have heard of that will help save your exam season from devolving into a boring mess. 

1. Trader Joe’s Quinoa and Black Bean Infused Tortilla Chips

Save Your Exam Season
Alex Sherwin

These have been all over TikTok, and for good reason. These tortilla chips are great for dipping in some salsa or guac, but also flavorful enough to be eaten on their own. The superfood ingredients that form the backbone of this chip make it a relatively guilt-free option and hard to put down.

2. Trader Joe’s Organic Corn Chip Dippers

Save Your Exam Season
Alex Sherwin

Another TikTok favorite, and another dipping candidate. The thinking man’s Fritos, this snack has a distinct corn taste and has a shape that lends itself well to scooping a dip of some sort. A must buy for salsa aficionados.

3. Trader Joe’s Ratatouille Bites

Save Your Exam Season
Alex Sherwin

If you crave a hot snack that is also a great finger food to eat while studying, look no further. A great frozen appetizer, these taste great coming out of the oven, and even better coming out of the air fryer, should you happen to own one. Eating these may evoke the same reaction that the food critic had in Pixar’s movie of the same name.

4. Zapp’s Pretzel Stix Voodoo Flavored

Save Your Exam Season
Alex Sherwin

A new entrant has emerged in the Voodoo line of snacks, which is aptly named for the control it will have over you. For the uninitiated, the Voodoo seasoning is a tangy vinegar-based seasoning that started on chips. If you can get to a Costco or a Walmart, these pretzel “stix” are worth a buy.

5. Trader Joe’s Mee Krob Snackers

This was going to be my “hidden gem” pick, but apparently it isn’t so hidden. Doing a bit of investigative journalism, I was informed that these are out of stock at the College Park Trader Joe’s until at least mid-April. If you can somehow get your hands on these, they are a sweet and tangy crispy noodle snack that, for how addictive it is, comes in a packaging that is, quite frankly, too small.

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Alex Sherwin

Maryland '23