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Welcome to Milwaukee Shake Shack!

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Marquette chapter.

As a food fanatic and connoisseur I can honestly say that I have been waiting nearly a year for Shake Shack to take over the fast food scene of Milwaukee and boy has it really made a terrific first stand.

7:30 on a Thursday evening was at MAX CAPACITY. The recent addition to Milwaukee is located on the corner of Water and Buffalo in Milwaukee’s Historic Third ward.

For those who are unfamiliar with the popular restaurant chain, Shake Shack is a small fast food restaurant founded in 2004 in New York City as a road side vendor “burger stand”. By popular demand, Shake Shack has paved a path all over the country and is reinventing fast food in the United States.

Let’s take a look at some of my personal favorites from what one might call the #Kween of burger chains.

Tha Goods

Being from Wisconsin I honestly didn’t believe anyone could beat out Culver’s for the best cheese burger and fries, but…….. I WAS WRONG!

The Shack Burger is truly to die for!! The second I took a bite into this fine piece of beef I was knocked back to the Fourth of July and the fresh taste of burgers off of my dad’s grill. College is truly a challenge for us foodies; we try to make the best of what our campuses have to offer, but lucky charms and frozen french fries just won’t cut it. Sometimes we just need that little taste of home. Amirite?

I can honestly say that I would have never expected something so delicious and authentic to leave a fast food restaurant. I mean…come on? It’s fast food, who am I to have standards. *shrugs*

Not only did I try the shack burger, but I decided to treat myself to some cheese fries and a birthday cake shake. The fries were amazing, however I’ve never met a French fry I don’t like, so I guess you’ll have to try them for yourself. Spoon-fed warning though, for those of you who aren’t into American cheese I’d stray away from any of the cheese fries because the sauce used is an equally proportioned mix of American and classic cheddar. 

Spoon-fed *censored* Warning: Explicit Images Ahead!



I sincerely apologize for any increased heart rates, but OH MY GOSH! These cheese fries will change your life. Have you ever seen something more beautiful? I mean Lupita Nyong’o is a goddess, but these cheese fries are a true work of art if you ask me! 

Cheese is just one item that defines Wisconsin culture. The other is BEER. For those who are of legal age, why not order a beer or glass of wine while you indulge in Shake Shack’s finest. With a wide variety of beer and wine on tap, I’m sure there is an option for everyone! 

Legality is Key

Shake Shack has provides an inexpensive way to “go out” with friends for a chill Friday night for all of us cheese heads! To completely immerse itself in what it means to be a wisconsinite, Shake Shack threw two new items to Milwaukee’s exclusive menu that pair perfectly with a crisp cold one. 

Spoiler Alert! It’s brats!! I have yet to try this exclusive item, but Shake Shack introduced Brat patties and the Shackmeister Cheddar Brat to our fast food scene! 

Nearly Three months in, and Shake Shack has nestled itself into Milwaukee’s Third Ward perfectly. Wherever you may live, I thoroughly suggest giving this place a try. Your life will be completely changed!

Who loves to eat and explore new and exciting cuisine in the Greater Milwaukee Area? This guys! (points to self)