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5 Easy Ways to Make Your Dorm Room Stress-Free

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Marquette chapter.

We all know how stressful college can get, and when you live in a dorm, it’s hard to feel like your room is calming and your own. Many college students escape their room entirely by studying in other locations like the library or a coffee shop, but if you are at all like me, you get the best work done in your room. Even though my room is where I do most of my studying, I still needed it to be calming and stress free. Here are 5 ways to make your room feel as stress-free and cozy as possible. 

Incorporate soft lighting.

Jennifer Walter

The first way to create a stress-free room is to get soft lighting. Most dorms have a harsh yellow light on the ceiling which is not calming or de-stressing. Buy string or twinkle lights to hang around the room as your main source of light, the more the better. If that is not enough light for you, add a tall floor lamp with a single color shade. These soft lights are less harsh on your eyes and give a calming spirit to the room. 

Use a wax melter.

Chelsea Johanning

Herbal remedies are a good solution to a bad mood and stress, so invest in a wax melter.

Many dorms do not allow candles so a cute wax melter is a great way around this rule. Wax melters have the same effects as candles and you can get wax melts in sents from lavender to Christmas so it’s a great way to make your room smell nice and comforting. 

Get a salt lamp.

Himmilayan pink salt lamps have been known for cleaning the air and expelling negative ions. Having a salt lamp in your room will keep the air clean as well as keep a positive energy in the room while you do homework. 

Get more pillows and blankets.

Chelsea Johanning

Once again the more the better. Keeping many spare pillows for the couch, floor or even bed will keep you from being uncomfortable while studying. It’s hard to keep from getting tense when you are uncomfortable, so having pillows and blankets around the areas you study can benefit a lot.

Another benefit to keeping a lot of blankets and pillows in the room is that your room in general will feel cozy and comfortable! 

No work allowed in bed.

Chelsea Johanning

Although your bed is the coziest place to be in your room, try to keep all studying and work out of bed. When you do things that stress you out in bed, your bed becomes a stressful place. Make sure your bed is one place that is calm and the least stressful in your life so you get the best sleep you can get. 

After you put one, or all of these tactics into effect, your room will feel better than ever! Cozy up in your blanet filled soft lighting room and remember to breath through the stress you may encounter during your stay at the dorms.

I love cats and dogs equity, I enjoy that 90's grunge is back and I'm a 4th degree blackbelt in karate 😁