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How to Avoid Eating Greasy Food When You Drink

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Marist chapter.

Been there, done that. Binge drinking in college is almost inevitable, and it’s bound to get the best of us at one point or another.

Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol within a short period of time will not only affect our livers, but our waistlines as well. Here’s how drinking affects your eating habits and can be a contributor to the freshman 15.

In a study of 282 college freshman, nearly half reported overeating and making unhealthy food choices after excessive drinking. Many also showed a significant increase in body mass index changes over the first semester.

Another study by the American Society for Clinical Nutrition found that increased alcohol consumption was associated with a higher consumption of cheese, oils, and breads, along with a decreased consumption of vegetables. Because who would chose broccoli over a greasy BEC to cure their hangover?  

This explains why many people tend to crave greasy foods upon waking up with a hangover (and why you crave greasy foods when drinking). It may help cure your massive headache and upset stomach, but only because it’s helping you get your neurochemical fix.

My best pro tip for avoiding a hangover is to drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink you have. You’ll be less likely to feel like #death in the morning, thus eliminating those fatty cravings that cause many people to overeat the day after a night out.

And lastly, before you go to sleep, drink SEVERAL glasses of water and eat something high in fiber and protein, like this easy mug oatmeal, to replace the nutrients that were lost during your night of drinking (fiber and protein will also help keep you full the next morning). 

Binge drinking can certainly add to the freshman 15 struggle some college students experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Eat nutritious meals and drink lots of water before and after going out and your body will thank you. 

Julia Halsey

Marist '19

Julia is a Public Relations and Advertising major studying at Marist College. She has three loves: writing, eating, and traveling. Her lifetime goal is to pursue a career in which she can fulfill all three of these passions.