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8 Things to Make in Your Ice Cube Tray That Aren’t Ice

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Manhattan chapter.

Summer is just around the corner and those ice cube trays should come in handy on those scorching, heat-filled days. But don’t underestimate the power of the cube; ice cube trays are handier than you think. They can be booze-filled, coffee-filled, heck, they can even be chocolate-filled!

Here are 8 unique ways to use an ice cube tray this summer.

1. “Iced” Coffee


photo courtesy of aureliecorinthios.com

I know the white girl inside you is screaming over this one. No more iced coffee with half the glass filled with ice. Now you can drink your iced coffee without the watered down effect of ice. But before you do, read here about how you should really be making iced coffee.

2. Frozen Wine Cubes


photo by Catherine Kinney

I know what you’re thinking, how does alcohol freeze? Well, wine does. Put these wine cubes in your wine glass or pop them in this red wine smoothie for the ultimate alcohol experience.

3. Strawberry Margarita Popsicle


Courtesy of bakersroyale.com

It’s almost that time of the year to pull out the Mike’s Hard Lemonade, so why not get tipsy popsicle style? Instead of using Dixie cups, ice cube trays do the trick, save room, and are easier to use. Check out the popsicle recipe here and put that ice tray to good use.

4. Flavored Ice Cubes


Courtesy of Aurelie Corinthios

Sick of plain ol’ water but need to stay hydrated in the heat? Well, here’s a trick to flavor your water without adding all those sugars and preservatives. Add your favorite fruit to water and freeze, then put them in your drink. Bonus: it’s a great way to detox after a long winter binge.

5. Watermelon Ice


Photo courtesy of tasteandtell.com

With watermelon season coming up, watermelon ice cubes should be on your list to try. Since they are 90% water already, freezing them is a piece of cake. Try it out here.

6. Jello Shots


Photo courtesy of bionicbites.com

Summer concert season is right around the corner, so with that in mind you’ll probably want to make jello shots to take with you on a tailgate. Ice cube trays make jello shots that much easier. Use the same jello shot recipe here just put them in an ice cube tray.

7. Rum Mint Infused Ice Cubes


Photo courtesy of 17apart.com

I guarantee you these will freeze, it just takes a longer amount of time. Create your own mojito by putting freezing club soda in the trays with mint, then add them to your rum and lime juice. You could also freeze the water and mint and add them your homemade Argo Tea mojito here.

8. Chocolate Covered Strawberries


Photo courtesy of cheaprecipeblog,com

If you aren’t satisfied with the chocolate to strawberry ratio in these plain old chocolate covered strawberries, then you might want to try this. I can guarantee that you won’t get smudged on the amount of chocolate you want.

So before you finish off this semester, get yourself some ice cube trays. Cube is totally the new black.

Catch up on these other summer articles:

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Catherine Kinney

Manhattan '12