I don’t know about you, but even the word pesticides makes me go “Ick!” As we make our way into summer, fruits are more ripe and in season. However, before you buy that package of strawberries for your next luau, make sure those puppies are organic because the possible side effects of eating pesticides are terrifying.
1. Cancer
People say pretty much anything can give you cancer, but scientists have linked certain pesticides to prostate, bone, breast, thyroid, lung, colon, and other types of cancers.
2. Obesity
Obesity is definitely something we don’t need more of in this country. I totally love food, but not if studies have shown links between pesticides and childhood obesity.
3. Birth Defects
I’m definitely not trying to get pregnant any time soon, but it’s good to know for future reference. Pregnant women are urged not to eat fruits or vegetables with pesticides because it can lead to birth defects or a miscarriage.
4. Reduced Sperm Counts
This is for all you frat guys out there. You may think you have plenty of sperm now but if you keep eating pesticides you may have a reduced sperm count. The pesticide responsible for this is found in peach and apple orchards.
5. Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease increases with exposure to toxins, AKA pesticides. Pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides all can lead to disruptions or damage to the brain. Research has shown that over-exposure to pesticides increases your chances of getting Parkinson’s.
This picture shows which foods you NEED to buy organic vs. those that use the least amount of pesticides, and are fine to buy non-organically.
If these 5 things don’t absolutely make you swear to always buy organic, I don’t know what will. Organic produce may cost a little extra, but it’s definitely worth it knowing that putting pesticides in your body can be super harmful and scary.
Read up on more tips to eating organically: