Everybody has one song that they just kind of vibe to. You know — the one you’re bold enough to sing everywhere but in the shower. Many of these songs come from Lana Del Rey, and every time I hear one of these songs, I get a craving for a specific thing. I kid you not: Just about any song of hers can change your life and make you crave a plethora of different things. If it doesn’t, you’re doing something wrong.
I won’t go on about every song, but I will elaborate on the ones that you need to know so you’re not just a socially awkward mess.
“Cola” – Coca-Cola

Photo by Vernell Dunams
Okay I’ll start it off simple. When Lana open’s her song “Cola,” she waste no time in letting us all know what part of herself she believes tastes like cola — Pepsi Cola to be exact. Dare I say, “too much info” to Ms. Del Rey. With that being said, this song makes me crave anything but Pepsi. I’ll even go as far to say that this song makes me want a good old fashioned Coca–Cola instead.
“American” – S’mores

Photo by Vernell Dunams
When Lana sang, “You make me crazy you make me wild,” she was obviously talking about s’mores. I mean come on ,what’s more American than a toasted marshmallow sandwiched between chocolate and graham crackers?
“National Anthem” – Chocolate Cupcakes

Photo by Mattison Conditt
If you’ve seen this video, you know Lana Del Rey sings “The Birthday Song” in the style of Marilyn Monroe, and A$AP Rocky is the president and husband of Lana Del Rey. Someone please sign me up for citizenship to that country.
Lana goes on about this utopic America that’s perfect and dreamy. The whole time she does this, I’m thinking about one of those beautiful chocolate cupcakes from Whodelicious Cupcakes in California. Ironically, Lana lived in California for some time, so maybe the country where she is the first lady is somewhere in Calfornia where she gets to eat beautiful cupcakes.
“Young and Beautiful” – Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Photo by Morgan Goldberg
So this song is a major part of the Great Gatsby soundtrack and it’s all I need to doze off into thinking about my fairytale ending. Considering the fact that the Great Gatsby takes place during Prohibition, it would be offensive to history to crave alcohol to this track, but craving some decadent chocolate covered strawberries is only rational.
“Summertime Sadness” – Sugar Factory Booze

Photo by Mattison Conditt
So who wants to be sad in the summertime? Not me. Lana was going through something in this song, and she describes it as “that summertime sadness.” I feel for Lana and all her seasonal sorrow, but I have to admit, I’m glad this song was a product of it all. In celebration to overcoming summertime sadness, I propose a toast with a huge brightly colored drink from Sugar Factory NYC (as a side note, this is Lana’s hometown so I’m sure she’s all for this one).
“Ride” – Marbled Brownie

Photo by Vernell Dunams
When I think of the song “Ride,” I imagine myself cruising in a convertible — which I don’t have — with an All-American love — which I also don’t have. As Lana says in the song, “I’ve got a war in my mind,” but trust that the only thing on my mind when I hear this catchy tune is a decadent brownie.
Brownies — despite the crumbs — are one of the more portable desserts, and chocolate is the flavor of romance. So upon taking Lana’s advice and “hopping out on the open road” with nothing but man as your “futon,” the brownie is the perfect dessert to take with you.
“High by the Beach” – Mimosa

Photo by Vernell Dunams
Even if you didn’t know Lana was releasing a new album, chances are you’ve still heard this song. This is the featured single of the album and one of the first to be made into a video. There’s no shortage of Lana’s signature hippy vocals as she sings the chorus, “All I want to do is get high by the beach.”
To eliminate all the basic responses, no, this song does not make you have the munchies — or at least for me it doesn’t. The serene and sublime vocals can make anyone want nothing more than to lounge around with the biggest mimosa possible. I would even consider drinking that mimosa on the beach in the middle of October.
Lana, if you are reading this (which I know you are), we need to have a beach trip very soon. You can do whatever it is you want, but all I want to do is get a little tipsy by the beach with a tall mimosa.
“Terrence Loves You” – Black & White Popcorn

Photo by Vernell Dunams
With film noir, vintage Hollywood, and an absentee lover, Lana puts it all out in this one. “Terrence Loves You” is her self-proclaimed favorite song of the album, and my God is it heartbreaking. You are going to need the fanciest bag of black and white popcorn to get you through this song.
Black and white popcorn is an amazing combination of kettle corn drizzled with milk and white chocolate. The chocolate will get you through the fact that she’s singing for four minutes about a love that is no longer, and the popcorn will make you think you’re off in 1950’s Hollywood, listening to a ballad about your lover who is no longer with you.
“God Knows I Tried” – Chocolate Cake

Photo by Alyssa Parker
We’ve all been to that point where we just have to throw in the towel and say, “You know what? I tried.” Somehow when Lana says this in her song, I suddenly crave the biggest slice of chocolate cake. This song brings me back to every bad breakup, argument, and experience I’ve had with guys or even friends, and there’s no way you can listen to this song and not crave something chocolate to soothe your soon-to-be broken heart.
“Music to Watch Boys to” – Sangria

Photo by Vernell Dunams
I can think of at least a million songs that I listen to while babe-watching, which Lana validates, since she does the same thing. Come on — if Lana does it, it’s justified. And when I put on my music while I’m watching the boys, I need a glass of sangria. I doubt that needs any further explaining.
“Art Deco” – Macarons

Photo by Victoria Van Brandt
Who knew men could be described with a post-modern art period? If you answered “Lana Del Rey,” that means you’ve probably heard her song “Art Deco.” In this song, Lana addresses that guy that some of us may know a little too well. He’s regal, colorful, a little complicated and a little simplistic. But let’s face it, he’s still persuaded by “a little body,” as Lana puts it.
When I hear this, I immediately think about the macaron. The macaron is a sweet, colorful, French delicacy that has both a regal quality and a simplicity about it. Ultimately the macaron is complex and delicious, but sometimes you just need to avoid them — sometimes things can be a little too sweet.
“Salvatore” – Soft Ice Cream

Photo by Vernell Dunams
Last but not least, there is “Salvatore.” In another ode to a lover, Lana hypnotizes us with her voice. Lana clearly wastes no time with men, going from Terrence to Salvatore in one album — kudos to her. But more importantly, what does this song make me crave? Let’s see. Lana incorporates the Italian phrase “Ciao amore,” and also mentions “dying at the hand of a foreign man.” But what really drives the food craving is Lana’s melodious chant of “soft ice cream.”
What does soft ice cream have to do with a foreign man named Salvatore? Nothing. At this point, Lana is literally telling us what to crave. Despite the obscure references to Italian men and heartbreak, there’s no need to overcomplicate anything: Lana says soft ice cream, so let there be soft ice cream.