Tonight, skip getting dressed up, don’t put on any make up. Avoid loud music and shrieking drunk girls. Grab a few friends and gather around the TV for a night of Chopped and casual drinking.
Companionship, a competitive cooking show, and alcohol: what more could you ask for?
The Rules of the Game:
You’ll need a cup (probably a solo cup, let’s be real) full of wine, beer or a mixed drink. It is important to have more of whatever you’re using on hand if (and probably when) you finish your drink. You will also need hard alcohol for shots.
Okay here we go…
Take a sip if:

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- Someone cries
- Alex Guarnaschelli disagrees with another judge
- Ted Allen says, “Whose dish is on the chopping block?”

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- A judge shouts “Get it on the plate” during the last minute
- A contestant makes a salad
- Scott Conant insults someone’s pasta

Gif courtesy of Buzzfeed
Refill your drink if:
- A contestant sweats into their food
- The contestants make awkward small talk in the waiting room
- A judge says that one of the ingredients “got lost in the dish”
- A contestant says, “Behind!”

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Finish your drink if:

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- A contestant is playing for a dead relative
- A contestant cuts him/herself
- A judge cries

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- A contestant forgets a basket ingredient
- A contestant messes up the ice cream machine
Start chugging when:

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- Ted Allen starts counting down the time. Don’t stop until the clock reaches zero.
Take a shot if:
- All the contestants are women

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- Two contestants get in a fight
- You have to Google a basket ingredient
- Anyone you are watching with says any variation of, “I could win Chopped easily.”
Play a mini game of flip cup if:
- There is a commercial break right before someone gets chopped, keep playing until the contestant is chopped

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Eat the weirdest thing you can find in your fridge if:
- A contestant has never heard of an ingredient
- A contestant gets in a fight with a judge
Bonus Shot:
- Everyone who incorrectly predicts the winner takes a shot at the end of the episode

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