The cold weather is coming but that doesn’t matter because some snacks simply taste better frozen. Try sticking these 9 foods in your freezer and it’s as easy as that. And kids, you actually can try this at home.
From fruits to desserts, we got you covered with this guide to stocking your freezer with frozen snacks that will give you goose bumps from the cold AND from the sensational flavors.
1. Mango

Photo by Kendall Sangster
Cube it, slice it, dice it, and pop it in the freezer overnight. Wake up and enjoy it right then and there. Don’t just buy the bagged kind, do it yourself because it’ll be fresher and you’ll feel more accomplished. You can even drizzle your frozen mango with some lime juice for extra flavor.
2. Grapes

Photo by Kendall Sangster
Quite frankly, if you haven’t tried frozen grapes, you’re doing something wrong. Simply wash them, dry them, and throw them in the freezer on a pan with wax paper. They are healthy, naturally sweet, and if you’re dieting, you can substitute them for dessert. Or you can just sprinkle them with sugar and make it less healthy, but much sweeter.
3. Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies

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Every time the doorbell rings, deep down we all hope it’s your next-door neighbor coming to sell Girl Scout cookies with her blonde braids and vest covered in patches. These cookies from eight year olds only come around every so often so make sure you stock up.
The freezer will keep them fresher but also makes the Thin Mints’ taste of cold minty goodness when you bite into them throughout the whole year, or as long as your supplies lasts.
4. Chocolate Covered Banana

Photo by Keni Lin
For all you chocolate addicts out there who struggle to eat healthy because of your condition, try covering nutritious bananas in chocolate and you’ll feel better about yourself. Plus, you’ll feel incredible as the inside of your mouth warms the frozen chocolate surrounding the crisp cold banana. Trust me, you just have to try it.
5. York Peppermint Patties

Photo by Kendall Sangster
Another cold minty treat. Similar to the the commercials, you’ll feel as if you’re standing atop a snow covered mountain as a cool breeze blows through every hair on your body. There’s no other way of describing it. Oh, and this one guarantees those goose bumps.
6. Peanut Butter Cups

Photo by Kendall Sangster
First of all, who doesn’t love chocolate and peanut butter? Buy them at the store or make them yourself. As long as you freeze them, you’re set.
7. Cool Ranch Doritos

Photo by Kendall Sangster
They have the word “cool” in the name so don’t argue with this one. Even Target is putting them in their freezer section. You’ll never eat them at room temperature again.
8. Candy Bars

Photo by Kendall Sangster
Butterfingers are a must because of their superior butter flavor. And as a bonus, it turns crunchy and won’t get stuck in your teeth for weeks if its frozen.
Almond Joy frozen is like a chocolate covered piña colada in the palm of your hand. It’s tender with a nutty crunch aka perfection.
Not feeling like yourself because you’re hungry? Reach into the freezer for a frozen Snickers. The crunchy caramel and peanut inside as well as the chewy chocolate outside makes for the perfect frozen candy bar.
9. Yogurt

Photo by Kendall Sangster
Remember those Go-Gurt tubes that your mom packed you in your lunch box everyday of elementary school? Well now that you’re old and mature, freeze them, but it’s guaranteed you’ll still look like a child eating them.