If you’re anything like me, you devour at least 3 avocados per week without shame. They are incredibly versatile and have an amazing number of nutritional components like healthy fats, fiber, and Vitamin K. They even contain more potassium than bananas!
In any case, whether or not you’re completely obsessed with avocados, you’ve probably had the following things happen to you more than once.
1. You steal the final few avocados at the grocery store as if they’re the last ones left in the world.

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Sorry not sorry. These bad boys are what get me through the week.
2. You finally crack open this week’s grocery store picks and find that only 1 out of 4 are actually edible.

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Spending a good $6 a week on avocados is not an easy task with the budget of a college student. That being said, I expect every last one of those things to be Snapchat- or Insta-worthy.
3. Or, you finally crack one open and it turns out to be perfectly green and ripe.

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Is this what heaven looks like?
4. Your roommate asks for a slice every. damn. time. and you just want to do this:

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Me neither, Joey. Can’t stop, won’t stop.
5. You always plan on only eating half, but somehow the whole thing ends up on your perfectly toasted piece(s) of bread.

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Yes, the ratio of avocado to bread is approximately 3:1. Yes, I’m still going to devour the entire thing.
6. You eavesdrop on people explaining that they don’t like avocados because of their texture and question their existence.

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Are you for real? Texture schmexture.
7. You are equally as obsessed with Chipotle’s guacamole, and when it exceeds your expectations, you silently applaud the chef.

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[Chef] hat’s off to you, you avocado mastermind.
8. You ignore the people that try to tell you that avocados are bad for you due to their high fat content.

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“They have so much fat.” I’m sorry, were you talking to me? I couldn’t hear you over chewing my bomb-ass avocado Cobb salad (which, by the way, is loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids).
9. You randomly remember that you had a ripe avocado you were planning to make use of before class, but you completely forgot about it.

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No, I am not okay. Now this afternoon’s post-gym avocado toast is just going to be mushy and disappointing.

Photo courtesy of @letscookvegan on Instagram
Avocados, you da real MVP. Thanks for all the lackluster breakfasts and keeping me energized throughout the day. Keep doin yo thang.