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What Grocery Shopping is Like for Every College Kid, as Told by Tina Fey

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at JMU chapter.

Two words. Fifteen letters: Grocery Shopping. A time when a lot of emotions come out of us, and we can feel really out of control. Think you’re alone? You’re not. We have Tina Fey to help us along this stressful (tearful?) journey.

Scenario One: Hyping Yourself Up to Even Go to the Store in the First Place


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It’s grocery shopping time. Ugh, I don’t want to go grocery shopping, but I need food. But it’s so much energy. But food. Okay, I can do this. I CAN DO THIS.

Scenario Two: The Internal Dilemma of Seeing Something You’re Craving


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Man, I want a cookie. No, no, I do not need cookies. Sheeeet, they have my favorite kind — double chocolate chip. Crap.

Scenario Three: Talking Yourself Into Sticking to Your Budget and Buying Only What You Need

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I do not need this, I do not need this, I do not need this. I could make this into a song titled “Help me, I’m poor.”

Scenario Four: The Disappointment When the Name Brand is Gone and Only the Generic Brand is Left


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BRB, listening to Justin Timberlake’s Cry Me a River.

Scenario Five: When You’re Passing the Pizza Rolls, But You’re Trying to Be Healthy


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This is just cruel. WHY am I being (trying) healthy again?

Scenario 6: Realizing You Bought 2x as Much Stuff as You Planned to, Thus Are Going 2x Over Your Budget


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Ha ha ha. What is life. HA HA HA. Can I get an advance of my allowance, Dad?

Scenario 7: When You Get Home But Are Too Tired to Put Anything Away


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Grocery store: 1 You: 0