A show that took nine years to tell the story of boy meets girl deserves a legendary drinking game without any wait for it. How I Met You Mother is nothing short of genius. When the writers of a show have the end planned out from the pilot, you know you’re in for a good ride. And what a great ride it was (or will be for you binge-watchers.)

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All 208 episodes gave us moments of hysterical laughter, some tears, and a desire to have our own go-to Irish pub when we’re adulting in a city. The infamous man whore Barney Stinston never failed to accomplish the possimpible while other characters like Ted Mosby gave the audience a person to cheer for in hopes of him finally meeting his wife.
Next time you have a group of friends together, I highly recommend grabbing a bottle of wine, pack of beer, or liquor of some sort and press play on your Netflix account to get this awesome show started with a fun drinking game. It’s bound to be a MacLaren’s in your living room by the end of your night with this game.
Take a swig every time:

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- Barney says, “Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave ya met Ted?”
- Robin and Ted salute to major, private, or colonel.
- Barney hits on a new girl.
- Bonus sip if he takes her home.
- Chug if he fails to take her home.
3 sips if:

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- Barney gives a self-five.
- Robin talks about Canada.
- Robin Sparkles is mentioned.
Take a shot when:

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- A new doppelganger is found.
- Ranjit appears.
- Someone “eats a sandwich.”
- Barney accepts a challenge.
Finish your drink when:

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- All members of the squad are in MacLaren’s Pub.
- Marshall slaps Barney.
- Ted has a new girlfriend.
- Lily shares her words of wisdom.