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5 Common Types of Cherries and How You Should Eat Them

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at JMU chapter.

For all you cherry enthusiasts, this time of year is when you most likely peak. While there are nearly over 1000 types of cherries born and raised in the good U S of A, a few stand out in the midst of farmer’s markets and the glorious environment of the local Publix — or any grocery store if you unfortunately don’t have the aesthetic green-lettered logo nearby. 

These varieties are separated into two major cherry-like kingdoms: sweet and sour. While some are made to eat fresh, others were brought into this world to crush it in the game of cooking. It just really depends on the cherry itself. Here’s your go-to for navigating the treacherous cherry world.

Bing Cherries

Perhaps the most famous of them all, Bing cherries encompass the vitality of the sweet cherry. Stumble upon any dark red spherical body in the produce section and you best believe — bada bing bada boom, Mr. Worldwide as I step in the room — it’s a Bing cherry.

While more acidic than its Rainier counterpart, it’s meant to be eaten as swiftly as grapes or a juicy summertime watermelon. The darker it appears, the riper this particular cherry is. These types of cherries won’t pucker your lips and have been shown to lower high blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a UC Davis School of Medicine research study.

However, if you’re feeling like making some sweet jam with these Bing cherries, opt for a cherry crepe breakfast. Here, you’ll get to enjoy the sight of them melting on a skillet into syrupy good-ness. 

Rainier Cherries

If you thought about Mount Rainier as you read this, you’d be getting pretty close to its namesake origin — the mountain itself. There’s even a National Rainier Cherry Day dedicated to its deliciousness on the peak of the Rainier cherry harvest. 

Though it’s also a sweet cherry, its difference from the Bing is its yellowish golden tint. While you could still eat these by the mouthful, Rainer cherry salads are prime for its candied nature. Counteract the sweet with the salty tang of goat cheese and crunch of pecans and you’re ready to go.

Queen (Royal) Anne Cherries

Royal Anne cherries are the sneakiest of the bunch. Although they appear to have the same light-colored blush of Rainier cherries, one bite into this bad boy and the tart aftertaste will snap you right out of it.

These are most well-known for being used to make the Maraschino cherries that established the “cherry on top” saying — or the classic “tying a cherry knot with your tongue” rite-of-passage. Well, after being soaked in salt and sweetener, that is.

Royal Anne cherries are also great for baking, serving as the middle ground between the true sweet and sour feud. If you’re a cream-filled baked donut kind of person, look no further than this brunch-y twist to the cherry donut.

Montmorency Cherries

Now onto the sour cherries. Whether it be dried, frozen, canned or fresh, Montmorency can be enjoyed year-round. With over 90% of cherries consumed in the U.S. also being produced in the US — what’s up, Michigan? — Montmorency cherries are here to stay.

As a result, this type of cherry is versatile in smoothies, trail mixes, and pastries. But there’s no justice in stopping there when apple and cherry crisps are calling your name. Plus, it boasts benefits of pain relief and muscle recovery. Talk about doing the most.

Morello Cherries

And now, The crème de la crème. The pièce de résistance. The cherry to top all the others: Morello. There’s a reason they’re nicknamed the “pie cherries” — they’re meant to be jammed into a latticed pie and whipped up warm for Thanksgiving dinners. Since Morello cherries lack the dry sweetness of cherries such as the Bing, more sugar and starch will be needed to provide the right consistency. The things you do for the love of cherry pie. 

While not an exhaustive list, these options will ease you into the colorful world of nutrient-rich juiciness. Proving they’re more than an emoji, cherries have a well-roundedness that’s sure to keep you tongue-tied.