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Make These 5 Face Masks From Ingredients In Your Kitchen

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at JMI chapter.

Whether it is summer or winter season, whether it is dry or humid climate, our skin need care from time to time. Your diet, the skin products you use, the amount of time you spend in the direct sunlight etc. determine the quality and health of your skin. The best for healthy skin are homemade face masks and face washes.

There are several face masks you can use to keep your skin healthy but you don’t know which one will suit you until you try it. It is quite obvious that you can’t buy so many face masks to test them one by one on your skin. Also, the artificial beauty products have chemicals which can damage your skin

homemade face masks vegetable pepper
Josi Miller

To rejuvenate your skin, you can prepare and apply these 5 homemade face masks using kitchen ingredients.

1) Lemon, Honey and Egg Face Mask

homemade face masks lime lemon
Spoon Editorial


1) Lemon juice: 1 tbsp

2) Honey: 1 tbsp

3) Egg White: 1 egg

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply on face for 15-20 mins. Wash face with water. 


Lemon when mixed with honey, is an excellent remedy for treating dry and dull skin. Egg white tightens the skin as well as remove oil from pores. This homemade face mask is good for greasy skin.

2) Curd, Gram Flour and Rose Water Face Mask

does flour expire flour dough
Jocelyn Hsu.


1) Gram Flour: 1 tbsp

2) Curd: 1 tbsp

3) Rose water: 1/2 tbsp

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply on face or even on arms and legs. Let it dry. Wash it with lukewarm water. 


Gram flour when mixed with curd, removes tan. It also exfoliates skin and moisturises dry skin. While curd helps in skin whitening, rose water helps in moisturising skin. Add a pinch of turmeric powder to make your skin glow and treat skin problems

3)  Cucumber and Aloe Vera Face Mask

DIY face and hair masks vegetable cucumber
Julia Gilman


1) Cucumber: 1/2

2) Aloe Vera Gel: 2 tbsp

Peel off the cucumber’s outer skin. Cut it into pieces and blend in a mixer to make the puree. Add Aloe Vera gel and again blend it. Try to get fresh Aloe Vera gel. Add rose water or mint leaves to refresh your skin. Now apply this paste directly on face or first refrigerate it 15-30 mins and then apply for cooling effect. Let it dry. Wash your face with cool water.


Cucumber juice treats sunburn and also provides soothing effect. Aloe Vera gel gives hydrating, anti-inflammatory benefits and it is also rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E. This homemade face mask is best for fresh and glowing skin. 

4) Banana, Oatmeal and Yogurt Face Mask

homemade face masks porridge oatmeal
Caroline Mackey


1) Banana: 1/2

2) Oatmeal: 1/3

3) Yogurt: 1/2 tbsp

Mash banana with the help of a spoon. Mix mashed banana, oatmeal and yoghurt in a blender. Apply the paste on face for 15-20 mins. Wash it with water.


This is an anti-acne face mask.  Banana treats acne as well as it is a skin moisturiser, anti-ageing agent and controls oil. Oatmeal is suitable for sensitive skin. It contains saponins, which is a cleansing agent, thus it provides clear skin. It can be used as a mild soap. Yoghurt moisturises the skin as well as removes tan from it.

5) Potato Juice and Baking Soda Face Mask

homemade face masks potato onion spuds
Caroline Ingalls


1) Potato: 1

2) Baking Soda: 1 tbsp

3) Water: 1 tbsp

Peel off the outer skin of potato. Cut into pieces and blend it. Now squeeze out all the potato juice in a different container. Add baking soda and water in it. You can add cucumber juice and rose water also. Apply on the skin as a cleanser. Leave for 1-2 min and then wash it away.


This is not actually a mask but it acts as a cleanser. Potato juice is a skin brightening agent and it also reduces dark circles. Baking soda is used for acne treatment, mild rashes, and skin irritation. It contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties

#Spoon Tip 1: You can use tomato juice to apply on the face, arms and legs to remove tan. 

#Spoon Tip 1: You can apply juices of different fruits (like orange, strawberry, melon) to moisturise your skin and add a glow to it.

These homemade face masks do not have side effects generally. So, try them all for different problems. Also, apply a face mask once or twice in a week to get better results.

Big eyes with big dreams. Write poems that don't rhyme. Prefer a Cat as a best friend.https://aleenaariz.blogspot.com/